Is Public Transit Bankrupt?
March 31, 2010 By KATY GRIMES With the announcement this week by Sacramento Regional Transit that it is reducing bus and train service by 22 percent, it’s never too late to address the problems faced by the chronic deficit-plagued transit systems in
Read MoreFighting Without Skin in the Game
Usually when two sides fight over a contentious issue, both have skin in the game. But when the government fights American citizens, it’s with bully tactics, intimidation, threats and not about the well-being of anyone. Which is probably one of
Read MoreJob Creation Means Unions Jobs
I recently gave a speech to two-hundred Republican women on the current state of politics in California and how businesses are being destroyed by the majority party’s regulations, taxes and now, global warming laws. During the speech I asked the
Read MoreObamacare and California
On Sunday evening, two days after Obamacare was passed, I came down with food poisoning. So far, Obamacare hasn’t helped me at all. What happened? Wasn’t The One supposed to cure all our ailments? Seriously, Obamacare is going to hit
Read MoreImportant government hearings
In case you were assuming that our legislators are working on the state’s broken budget, the following is from today’s Senate Daily File and is a Governmental Organization committee hearing: GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION WRIGHT, Chair 9:30 a.m. – John L. Burton Hearing
Read MoreState Employees: Calling Out The Cheaters
As a reporter for Cal Watchdog rooting out waste, abuse and fraud, I receive calls frequently from government employees wanting to tell me about the employee cheating they witness first hand in their particular government agencies by city, county, state
Read MoreWhat Budget Crisis?
Mar. 19, 2010 I spend my days attending state Assembly and Senate committee hearings, trying to follow proposed legislation. Most days I end up sitting in a red velvet chair in a committee hearing room, listening to the ridiculous banter
Read MoreDOJ to state agencies: pay up
March 17, 2010 By KATY GRIMES The California Department of Justice wants to be compensated by California’s state agencies for legal services. Last year, the DOJ lost $30 million of its budget and had to cut 130 attorneys from its staff. As a way
Read MoreCedillo Wants Undocumented Community Counted
During the Senate Floor Session today, Senator Gloria Negrete McLeod, D-Chino, presented a Senate Resolution for “Be Counted Today,” supporting the census and census-related items. Senator Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles, stood up to be counted, as he asked that his
Read MoreNo roads to recovery in sight
Mar. 15, 2010 With California teetering on insolvency, government union activists and liberal legislators are trying to whip the public into a “please tax us more” frenzy by scaring people about the consequences of spending cuts. At a union rally
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