UC Imposes PC Smoking Ban

Even though it’s advertised as a health measure, smoking bans actually are Politically Correct posturing. They say, “I’m better than you. You’re a working-class schlub for smoking. I’m an elitist, over-educated, Politically Correct snob. Stop enjoying yourself.”
You can see this in the University of California’s new ban on smoking tobacco — not just inside government buildings, but everywhere on campus grounds. The tobacco prohibition was announced by UC President Mark G. Yudof, who looks like he could use a couple of drags on a coffin nail to calm himself down, just like President Obama does.
“Offering a smoke-free environment will contribute positively to the health and well-being of all UC students, faculty, staff and our patients and visitors,” he wrote in a letter.
Looks like it’s back to smokin’ in the boys’ room — although no doubt they’ll install spy cameras and smoke detectors to sniff out offenders.
Yudof said the ban advances UC’s self-image as “a national leader in healthcare and environmental practices.” But does anybody over the age of six months old not know that smoking has some hazards? We’ve all been indoctrinated to that effect. I remember giving a little speech against smoking in my seventh-grade English class back at Benjamin Franklin Junior High School in Michigan so long ago as 1968. That’s 45 years.
And we’re talking university kids here.
Reported the Los Angeles Times, “In the letter, he wrote that smoke-free means prohibiting not just cigarettes but also smokeless tobacco products and unregulated nicotine products, in both indoor and outdoor spaces — including parking lots and residence halls. The sale and advertising of tobacco products will also be blocked, he said.”
Which means everything will just go underground.
And how about that other substance, marijuana? It’s already illegal, although the fine for just smoking the wacky tobacky is just $100 in California. And you know kids have been ignoring that. And what about medical marijuana?
It’s also ironic that the hippy protest generation that smoked and toked its way through college 40 years ago now is imposing these PC thought and smoking bans now that it runs things. Ironic and hypocritical.
When officious officials ban something outright, usually kids do the opposite. So I see this in a positive light. It’s another imposition by a P.C. administration that will produce rebellion in youngsters.
Kids need to question the cultural Marxism imposed in almost all humanities courses today, and the health Marxism behind the smoking ban.
Kids, it’s time to revolt and overturn the Establishment.
Smoke ’em if you got ’em.
JAN. 13, 2012
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