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Leg still obsessed with tax increases

Stalin bloc flagMay 18, 2013

By John Seiler

So much new revenue is flowing into California that Gov. Jerry Brown’s May Revise budget projected an extra $4.5 billion this year. But even that was too low for Legislative Analyst, who projected another $3.2 billion on top of that.

Total: a $7.7 billion bonanza.

So what does the Democratic supermajority in the Legislature do? Say, “Thank you, taxpayers, for sending us so much money. We won’t tap you again.”

But noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

They want even more, sponsoring 20 tax-increase measures to gouge us even more.

The Legislature should just get it over with: Declare the erection of the California Soviet Socialist Republic, seize all the “means of production,” set up a gulag to imprison opponents and take over the entire economy.

Tags assigned to this article:
California budgetJohn SeilerStalin

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