Back to homepageMajority of union workers now in govt.
A study just out from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that, for the first time, the majority of union members work for the government, rather than the private sector. This is why, years ago, private-sector union bosses opposed unionizing
Read MoreCalWatchdog launch celebration
Please join us in celebrating the launch of, a news and investigative reporting website exposing government corruption, waste, fraud, and abuse.
Read MoreChiang letter on cash crunch
Here’s today’s letter from State Controller John Chiang to the governor and Legislature regarding the state’s cash situation: Dear Governor and Legislative Leaders: As State Controller, it is my responsibility to keep you informed of California’s cash condition and the
Read MoreInterview With A Candidate
I just finished an interesting interview with California’s Insurance Commissioner and candidate for Governor, Steve Poizner. Among the topics of discussion were his plans for immediate economic relief for the state upon taking office, how to permanently cut the size
Read MoreTilting at pension reform
Jan. 22, 2010 By ANTHONY PIGNATARO What to do about public employee pensions is the thorniest, nastiest, most difficult question facing Sacramento lawmakers today. Few issues cause such disappointment and despair. Yet one group of activists and accountants is plugging
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