Big Brother Jerry

John Seiler:

It’s bad enough that Republicans, during the eight tyrannical years under Bush, imposed a police state on America. And that Democrats have continued and expanded it under Obama.

Now California Democrats, led by Big Brother Jerry, are perpetrating a new Orwellian assault on privacy:

The California Democratic Party unveiled a new tool in its kit of get-out-the-vote operations Monday: a first-of-its-kind Facebook application that sifts through a user’s friends list, matches it with the friends’ party registrations and voting histories and pops out a list people who vote Democratic but don’t regularly vote.

It then encourages users to tell their non-voting friends to cast a ballot Nov. 2….

With 15.4 million voting-age Facebookers in California, the party says the tool could be crucial to mobilizing hard-to-reach younger voters.

I’m registered “Decline to State,” but if some “friend” called me about my voting record, the budding fascist would get an earful.

Oct. 25, 2010

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