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Google’s first U.S.-built smart phone coming to TX, not CA

google-fiberJune 4, 2013

By John Seiler

As I reported yesterday, Apple is building its new GPU unit in Florida, not California.

Now this:

“Google-owned Motorola is working on a new smartphone that is made up of the things you’d expect: It’s lighter, thinner and faster than its predecessors, with cool new sensors capable of knowing if it’s traveling in a car, or accidentally dialing someone from your pocket. However, the differentiator that’s getting the most buzz is its manufacturing—the phone will be assembled entirely in the U.S.

“Motorola’s manufacturing partner, Flextronics, will build the phones out of a 500,000 square foot manufacturing facility near Fort Worth, Texas, using chips from Taiwan and OLED screens from South Korea.”

Top tech execs love living in California and keep their main offices in Silicon Valley. Their smart accountants keep them from paying California’s sky-high taxes. But there’s no way they can avoid the state’s absurd anti-manufacturing laws, such as AB 32, the Global Solutions and Manufacturing Destruction Act of 2006.

So they build their manufacturing plants in other countries — or if they build in the United States, they do so in any state except California. Electricity also is cheap in Texas because of cheap natural gas. By contrast, as Chris Reed has been noting on our Web site, California continues to prevent much fracking or other energy development.

These lost jobs are great, middle-class jobs on which you can raise a family.

In California, here are the jobs available to you: Silicon Valley billionaire or highly compensated government worker. Otherwise, your choices are: go on generous welfare subsidies — or leave the state.

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AB 32AppleGoogleJohn Seiler

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