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CA still worst run state in the nation; Sacramento’s stadium obesssion

For the third year in a row, California has been named the worst-run state in America, by 24/7 Wall Street. Is it any wonder? With at least 10 California cities on the verge of municipal bankruptcy, a $24 billion budget shortfall

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LAO: Possible 2016 recession would devour budget surplus

  There is good news and bad news in the impartial California Legislative Analyst’s recent release of its “2014-2015 Budget: California’s Fiscal Outlook.” The good news, “Stunning turnaround: California has budget surpluses as far as LAO can see.” That’s the San Jose

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LAT on Covered CA: No mention of mass cancellations, sticker shock

So Chad Terhune of the L.A. Times does a story on Covered California that notes the state’s version of Obamacare: 1) Isn’t doing that well signing up young people, who are essential to the economics of the Affordable Care Act,

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Buy 1, Get 3 Free! Experts say Obamacare ‘grace period’ gives fraudsters the green light

Tucked inside nearly 11,000 pages of the Affordable Care Act is a little-known provision that doles out three months of free health care to individuals who choose to default on their premiums. People who receive the federal subsidy to be part of Obamacare will

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Steinberg’s side job raises ethics questions

Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, has tried in vain to distance himself from the FBI’s ongoing investigation into corruption at the State Capitol. Earlier this month, as a part of that effort, Steinberg resigned his position with a

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Would-be San Diego mayor plans to nullify reform approved by city voters

In 2006, San Diego voters took a bold and unprecedented step: They lopsidedly approved a “managed competition” process under which groups of city employees would bid against private companies for the right to provide certain city services. This modified form

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Southern California country song

I was driving around yesterday morning with a country music fan. He had on our local country station, Go Country 105. Up came this song, “Days of Gold,” by Jake Owen, about “Southern summers, that sun shinin’ down like Daddy’s

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Fisker $192 million taxpayer investment goes to China

This is the perfect government program. Fisker Automotive got $192 million of our tax dollars for its greenie electric flivver. Then it want bankrupt. Now the Chinese bought it for $25 million. So here’s how government works nowadays. 1. The

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Covered CA throws a party – only 10 sign up

This week California’s Obamacare health insurance exchange, Covered California, rented the Sacramento Convention Center, and opened its doors to the public for a sign-up party, complete with balloons and press. CBS 13 reported 1,500 people showed up to apply and enroll in

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