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How will Brown budget proposal address pensions, taxes, debt?

California's budget battles will begin on Friday when Gov. Jerry Brown releases his proposal for fiscal year 2014-15, which begins on July 1. The media and political buzz in the Capitol building is that the state has a surplus — and

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Market closing Prop. 13 commercial property tax gap

Almost 36 years after it was passed by voters, controversy continues to swirl around Proposition 13, the 1978 tax limitation measure. Periodic calls to repeal or modify it, supposedly to gain more tax revenue, so far have gone nowhere. The

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Brown seeks to prop up doomed bullet train with AB 32 $

As warned in this spot, Gov. Jerry Brown is conflating two of the state’s worst programs: “Brown plans to propose spending millions of dollars in fees paid by carbon producers to aid the state’s controversial high-speed rail project. “The proposal

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Discrepancies found in Brown aides’ FPPC reporting

Several recent stories about some of Gov. Jerry Brown’s appointees have looked at reports filed on conflicts of interest and financial disclosure. Specifically, Form 700 is a Statement of Economic Interests required of “designated” government employees, meaning the governor’s

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As with fracking, Obama shuns green cultists on GMO foods

One of the most puzzling phenomena I’ve seen in years of watching the California media is how they simply won’t report that the Obama administration considers fracking to be just another heavy industry that can be made safe with routine

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Media spiked stories on ice-stuck ship carrying global warmers

Ya gotta love it. Global warmers boarded a ship to Antarctica to prove global warming was melting the ice caps, but this happened: A group of climate change scientists were rescued by helicopter Jan. 2, after being stranded in the

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Background: UFW lost battle to Gerawan in Superior Court

Note: This is additional backround to the series of stories has been running on the court battle between Gerawan Farms and the United Farm Workers union. The following is from late November, but has not been reported elsewhere. An order issued

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While Kerry fights ‘global warming’ abroad, America freezes

Secretary of State John Kerry is on a global trip to advance his agenda to reduce global warming/climate change. The New York Times reports: “But while the public’s attention has been on his diplomacy in the Middle East, behind the

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As consultant, bullet-train boss helped write doomed business plan

A lengthy Comstock’s profile of Jeff Morales, the former Washington D.C. and Chicago political operative brought in to save the bullet train by Gov. Jerry Brown, gets some little details about the high-speed rail project wrong and has some dubious

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Detroit police chief, former LAPD cop: Carry a gun

California just imposed a passel of new gun laws with the new year. A former LAPD cop urges the opposite: Detroit — If more citizens were armed, criminals would think twice about attacking them, Detroit Police Chief James Craig said

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