Brown vs. Kashkari debate

Let’s hope Gov. Jerry Brown accepts the invitation to debate Neel Kashkari issued by the consortium that hosted Brown’s debate in 2010 with Meg Whitman. The Orange County Register and KABC also have reached out to Brown for a debate they

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Green hypocrisy: ‘The problem is it’s going to be visible’

For years, the hypocrisy of environmentalists has been on display with the Cape Wind project in Nantucket Sound, near Cape Cod, Mass. The project has finally begun construction but only after a 13-year campaign by rich liberals to block the

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Chapman Forecast: Steady CA growth

Chapman University’s new economic forecast projects steady but not spectacular economic growth for California and the nation. Real U.S. GDP growth could continue at about 2 percent a year. That’s not as good as the 5 percent or more during

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CA hydropower advances

  To service California’s electricity market, hydropower finally is advancing. Currently, California needs to import cheap, water-based electricity hydropower from nearby states to bail out its power grid when solar power fades out at the sunset hours of each day. So

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New Senate Prez de Leon pushes agenda

State Sen. Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, has been chosen by his party colleagues to lead them in the Senate. The selection pulls the California Democratic Party further to the left. De Leon’s rise from poverty in San Diego’s rough Logan Heights

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Auditor blasts illegal sterilization of inmates

It’s hard to think of anything more dehumanizing that illegally sterilizing someone. It takes away their right to reproduce. But that’s what happened in California prisons from 2005 to 2013. An audit released today by the California Auditor looked into

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What CA can learn from North Dakota’s stunning boom

The boom that North Dakota’s enjoyed because of fracking is usually depicted in newspaper stories and network reports as being about housing shortages and a flood of in-migration driven by job hunters. Rarely do accounts offer stark statistics that illustrate

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More money, problems for CA high-speed rail

Proponents of California’s much-ballyhooed high-speed rail got a big boost in the state’s new budget. But in every other area where the struggle for its fate is playing out, the project is facing an array of daunting roadblocks. Thanks to Gov. Jerry Brown’s

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Chart warns of possible stock crash

We can’t predict the future. But we prudently can make preparations for unfortunate events. That’s why the California government and local governments should make sure they have budget surpluses. Check out the following chart. It shows that the current DJIA stock

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CA Legislature boosts budget up to $156 billion

Convinced that California’s fiscal crisis is effectively over, state Democrats led the state Legislature to pass a $156 billion budget. They did so after a round of negotiations that left Sacramento just six hours away from missing the state’s constitutional deadline for

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