CalWatchdog Morning Read – December 12

  • How Obamacare repeals would affect some Californians
  • Which way to go for CA GOP
  • $340-million turf-rebate program in SoCal mismanaged
  • AG/Law enforcement to track race stats in traffic, street stops
  • NorCal rain fighting drought, uncertainty lingers

Good morning. Happy Monday. It seems like both the country and state are in a holding pattern until January when Trump will be sworn in, a new Congress starts and the California legislative session begins. 

Democrats in the Legislature have made it clear in recent weeks that everyone should expect fights with the feds over immigration, while Republicans in D.C. are prioritizing an Obamacare repeal. But details are sketchy. 

One thing is for sure: Even though Republicans have taken control of D.C. on an anti-Obamacare platform, there could still be many upset people, depending on how the replacement system is structured. 

In fact, Health News talked to some of those upset people in the Bakersfield district of House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. But no matter what happens, there will be people both upset and pleased. 

In other news:

  • Fate of the CA GOP: “Many say the party needs to soften its posture on undocumented immigrants and social issues in order to attract more Latino, Asian and young voters. Others, particularly in the GOP’s traditional voter base, counter that Trump’s victory nationwide is proof that a stronger stance is called for. At stake is the very relevance of the Republican Party in California.” The Orange County Register has more. 

  • Mismanagement of a gov’t program?: “The Metropolitan Water District’s massive $340-million turf rebate program — which helped thousands of Southern Californians rip out their lawns in favor of drought-tolerant landscaping — was plagued by poor planning and oversight by the agency, a new audit found.” The Los Angeles Times has more. 

  • Racial profiling: “Police officers in California will soon track the race of those they pull over for traffic stops or encounter in the street, according to proposed guidelines released Friday by Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris,” reports the Los Angeles Times

  • Drought: “October was wet, November dry. And December? The soft but steady rains this weekend were enough to push the Sacramento region to 155 percent of normal precipitation for the season. … And there’s more to come. … So what does that mean for California’s drought, now entering a sixth year? While Northern California has seen a wet start to winter, the situation is more complicated across the state. Central and Southern California continue to experience unusually dry conditions. And even in the north state, it’s not clear how the rest of the rainy season will shape up.” The Sacramento Bee has more. 


  • Gone till January. 

Gov. Brown:

  • No public events announced. 

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