Back to homepageLong Goodbye to the Middle Class
MAY 12, 2011 The middle class of California is deteriorating right before our eyes. And at the current pace of destruction imposed by the state’s lawmakers, it won’t be long before the gap widens between the ruling government class and
Read MoreLAO Blows Up Bullet Train
MAY 11, 2011 There’s something truly exhausting — no, dispiriting — about reading the latest state Legislative Analysts Office (LAO) report on California’s immense high-speed rail undertaking. Released at noon on May 10, the document runs just 28 pages but
Read MoreProp. 13 Still Left's Bogeyman
MAY 9, 2011 California has become such a basket case that outsiders are starting to parachute in and report on the tales of woe from our deficit-racked, economically stagnant and politically dysfunctional state. It makes for good reading for a
Read MoreLegislative Process Wrecking Calif.
MAY 5, 2011 This week I witnessed first hand everything that is wrong with California, and it’s happening at the hands of many of the state’s 40 senators and 79 Assembly members. Sen. Roderick Wright, D-Los Angeles, has authored two
Read MoreLAO Says Zero Out AB 32 Funding
MAY 4, 2011 California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 is in every sense of the word a landmark piece of legislation. Known by its legislative moniker AB 32, the law is, by far, the most sweeping and hard-hitting experiment
Read MorePublic Servants Lack Accountability
May 2, 2011 Union arguments in favor of their members’ lush pensions are falling by the wayside as the public examines the facts. For instance, union officials argue that the average public-sector pension benefit in California is “only” $30,000 a
Read MoreFree the Rail Ridership Committee!
APRIL 27, 2011 You’d think that an agency spending millions of dollars on public relations would know to discuss one of its most controversial issues in public, where outside experts and members of the public can steadily review any and
Read MoreCalif. Descends Into Class Warfare
APRIL 27, 2011 With the sharp political divide found in just about every issue today, class warfare has taken an interesting turn. Issues including education, food choices, housing, health care and even pet care no longer are just defined as
Read MoreStatists Fear 'Atlas Shrugged' Flick
APRIL 25, 2011 By STEVEN GREENHUT Editor’s note: The movie “Atlas Shrugged: Part 1” opened in California on April 15 and is currently playing at a number of theaters throughout the state. Check your local movie listings for times of
Read MoreBoondoggle Train Already Obsolete
APRIL 21, 2011 The debate over whether to build an 800-mile network of bullet trains crisscrossing the state at speeds approaching 220 miles per hour is one of the most contentious we have today. Its projected cost of $45 billion
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