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Assembly Takes on Free Speech in Charters

AUG. 3, 2010 By KATY GRIMES After passing several innocuous-sounding resolutions, Assembly members were back at work in the legislature yesterday after summer recess, but quickly found themselves voting on a surprisingly partisan charter school bill. The first resolution to

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Admin costs crowd out teaching

JULY 26, 2010 By JOHN SEILER A revealing new study shows that in recent years increases in the administrative costs of California’s K-12 schools have squeezed salaries for teachers. It shines a powerful searchlight on exactly what goes on in

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Arnold vs the state constitution

Evelyn B Stacey: In his most recent weekly radio address, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced proposals to eliminate the office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction and to reconsider the roles of the Board of Equalization and Franchise Tax Board as

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Raise school age to 6

Here’s something the Legislature is considering: The earliest age at which California children could start kindergarten would go up three months under a measure passed by the state Senate on Wednesday. Youngsters would have to turn 5 by Sept. 1

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Cinco de Mayo – "Just another wednesday"

In a staggering act of ignorance and hypocracy, five students at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill were sent home yesterday for wearing American Flag t-shirts and bandanas on Cinco de Mayo. The students were told they were fueling

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Race to the Tax Dollars

One of the reasons public education is so messed up in California is that matters aren’t controlled here by the locals, or even by Sacramento, but mainly by bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. That control has increased greatly over the past

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Liberal group's (PPIC) loaded questions

Big surprise: A liberal-leaning think tank releases a study showing that Californians want more government spending on public education. As the Public Policy Institute of California explains in a newly released study, “As California once again confronts a multibillion dollar budget

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Fuzzy Math Lessons

The Sacramento Bee reported this morning that 79 schools in Sacramento are finding errors in their new $1.9 million math books. What is truly amazing is that the districts piloted for math books for one month before deciding to use

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CTA rally: Raise our taxes!

This photo is from the California Teachers Association rally protesting education budget “cuts” at the Capitol today. Senate President Darrell Steinberg spoke to the group and said “Enough is enough. Nor more cuts.” In news reports today, we heard school

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Students vs. Arnold

Ah, youth. So energetic. So enthusiastic. So idealistic. So primed to be disillusioned. Students protesting fee hikes at state-run universities actually thought they might talk some sense to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. But he told them: “I don’t have more money

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