Back to homepageGlobal cooling: Arctic ice GROWING
Remember Al Gore’s 2006 “An Convenient Truth?” phony documentary? It showed Arctic ice melting and crashing into the ocean. It garnered Al an Academy Award, a Nobel Peace Prize — and greatly increased his own personal wealth. It was part
Read MoreEnviro policies spike CA electricity prices 70 percent
Californians are starting to pay for the cost of the state's Draconian environmental laws. Wholesale electricity market prices spiked about 70 percent over last year. So reports the Independent System Operator that manages California’s electric transmission and distribution line grids. The reasons given
Read MoreCadiz blending pipeline cuts salt in water
California farmers harvest more than 1.7 billion strawberries every year. Reducing the salt content in irrigation water is critical to growing strawberries without “salt blight.” “Salt blight” symptoms include “leaf scorch” at the edge of leaves, stunted plant growth, dead
Read MoreFederal union just like CA’s: Government role is to provide well-paying jobs
As I wrote here last week, part of Port Hueneme’s oceanfront could face devastation in coming months because the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says it doesn’t have the money to do remedial work on the coast that it has
Read MoreDishonesty of bullet-train camp is striking
Robert Cruickshank’s California High Speed Rail Blog, which gets thousands of hits a month, always amazes me when I look at it because of how he uses MSNBC/national media talking points about opposition to President Obama’s policies to describe critics
Read MoreBullet-train ruling: Mum’s the word from Times, Bee edit boards
Isn’t the fact that the bullet train is going down worthy, yunno, of editorial comment? Judge Michael Kenny’s Aug. 16 ruling that the California High-Speed Rail Authority had failed to meet funding and environmental standards that would allow it to
Read MoreWill CA trust SF Bay Bridge re-opening?
After months of controversy over the 36 cracked bolts on the new eastern span of the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge, the Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee made the decision in July to delay the Bay Bridge opening. But that decision was
Read MoreWater Policy: ‘New normal’ for lower Colorado River lakes is, actually, normal
It is being proclaimed that there is a “new normal” of historic low water levels for reservoirs along the Lower Colorado River due to “climate change.” But a closer look beyond the photos of bathtub rings along the banks of
Read MoreVidak: ‘Let the people re-vote on High-Speed Rail’
SACRAMENTO — Newly elected Sen. Andy Vidak, R-Hanford, has authored a set of amendments to an existing Assembly bill to allow Californians to vote on whether or not to proceed with the High-Speed Rail project, and would halt any further bond sales
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