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Nepotism scandal embroils recently gutted state tax board

SACRAMENTO – The California Board of Equalization was stripped of most of its powers over the summer, after a series of audits and news reports exposed myriad spending, accounting and management problems. But the renamed, and greatly diminished, tax agency continues

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California politicians react to GOP tax plan

House Republicans unveiled a massive tax overhaul last week which would disproportionately affect California taxpayers. The GOP proposal would halve the Mortgage Interest Deduction for new mortgages while also preventing taxpayers from deducting local and state taxes from their federal

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‘Gender injustice’ behind call to reduce taxes on tampons

SACRAMENTO – In his veto message of a series of tax-reduction bills last September, Gov. Jerry Brown explained that “tax breaks are the same as new spending – they both cost the general fund money.” He said such measures should

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Legislature to consider taxing snacks

A tax on snacks may soon be back.  A bill introduced by Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, D-Bell Gardens, would roll back the sales and usage tax exemptions for certain, less-nutritious, snack foods. The measure, part of Garcia’s agenda to highlight inequities in the

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California sales tax dips, but tax burden rises

  “Four years ago, voters approved Proposition 30, which raised the income tax significantly on the wealthiest Californians and raised the sales tax a tiny bit on everyone,” Capital Public Radio recently recalled. “That quarter-of-a-cent increase equated to paying an additional $0.01 on

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Towns take heat from proposed taxes targeting streaming video

Tempting fate — and mobilized outrage from consumers and their Silicon Valley allies — municipalities around California have zeroed in on a new source of revenue: Online film and television streaming services, and the people who use them. “If the cities are successful

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Bill removing tampon sales tax advances in Legislature

A bill to eliminate sales tax on feminine hygiene products came one step closer to becoming law on Thursday, ok’d by the Senate Appropriations Committee. Proponents have argued it’s a matter of gender fairness, as these products — including tampons,

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Critics demand accountability for education-funding tax prior to extension vote

Proponents of a 12-year extension of a temporary tax used to bolster education funding may ask voters to consider the measure prior to a full vetting, with critics demanding accountability. By law, the state Controller’s office is supposed to audit Proposition 30’s

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“Tampon tax” cut earns big bump

The state’s Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate unanimously voted to support a bipartisan bill cutting sales tax on menstrual hygiene products — like tampons and sanitary napkins — giving the effort a big boost. The bill’s primary author, Assemblywoman Christina Garcia, has

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4 or more tax measures likely on crowded fall ballot

With low state turnout in the 2014 election making it much easier than normal to qualify a ballot measure for elections this year, Californians may see their most overloaded ballot yet. The glut includes several proposals to raise taxes or

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