Tag "AB 32"

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Gov. Brown legislating by legacy and vanity

July 26, 2012 By Katy Grimes First there was the bullet train to nowhere. Now there are the tunnels to nowhere. Gov. Jerry Brown is hell-bent on creating a legacy. Unfortunately, it also appears that most of California’s legislators make

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Gov seals CA crash with high-speed rail bill

July 19, 2012 By Katy Grimes Even though high-speed rail has become nothing more than a pipeline project for grabbing big money and a big lie, Gov. Jerry Brown signed the rail bill Wednesday, sealing California’s economic fate. Because of the

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Anti-democracy bill guts California open-government laws

July 18, 2012 By Katy Grimes Buried deep within the new state budget lies a bill so evil, so corrupt and so illegal, a state agency is now being declared an official “enemy of the people” by weary taxpayers. The

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Studies predict AB 32 will crash Calif. economy

July 17, 2012 By Dave Roberts Two new studies are predicting economic devastation in California as the myriad regulations and costs resulting from AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, take effect in the next eight years. The hit

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‘Eureka!’ California stinks!

July 16, 2012 By Katy Grimes I write this with a heavy heart, under duress, and with a longing for what once was, in my home state… “The land of milk and honey” has curdled and soured. “The Golden State”

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High-speed rail push leading to Nov slaughter?

July 5, 2012 By Katy Grimes Commentary This week could mark the last big, well-orchestrated push for high-speed rail. Think of it as a drug being mainlined directly into the state’s largest vein. High-speed rail is not about the train,

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The emerging California Fusion Party

June 18, 2012 By Wayne Lusvardi Most people are familiar with the term “fusion” as a type of restaurant that combines Hawaiian, Asian and American types of food. But with the recent top-two primary election on June 5, California is

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The tangled web of High-speed spending

June 11, 2012 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — With the looming state budget deadline of June 15, most lawmakers are at least pretending to have budget issues in their sights at the moment. But there are still thousands of bills

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CA shakedown headed for a breakdown

June 4, 2012 By Katy Grimes California legislators looked as if they were working hard last week, with hundreds of bills to debate and vote on. But it wasn’t difficult to see that much of it was for show. They

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Voters don’t trust state to build high-speed rail

June 4, 2012 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — Californians don’t want to pay for high-speed rail, nor do they trust the state government to build it, despite the aggressive push from Gov. Jerry Brown. A new poll found that the

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