Tag "Arnold Schwarzenegger"

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Sky Not 'Falling' on School Budgets

APRIL 4, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI If you listen to anyone up and down the food chain of public-school funding in California, Gov. Jerry Brown’s failure to negotiate a budget deal with Republicans means that the sky is falling on

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Bring Out the Budget Scissors

MARCH 31, 2011 By JOHN SEILER The voters have spoken: Cut the budget even more. Gov. Jerry Brown and Democrats in the Legislature have spent several months insisting that voters must have the opportunity to approve extensions of Gov. Arnold

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I Can't Afford a Tax Increase

John Seiler: I usually make coffee at home. But this morning, I got a Starbucks. Fishing around in my wallet for the money, I noticed I only had a couple of dollars left. Yet I recently patronized the cash machine.

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Brown's Punch & Judy Budget Show

MARCH 30, 2011 By JOHN SEILER California’s budget comedy resembles an old Punch & Judy puppet show, with Gov. Jerry Brown in the role of Punch, whom Wikipedia describes: He carries a stick as large as himself, which he freely uses

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Will High-Speed Rail Kill All Rail?

MARCH 30, 2011 The promise of California’s proposed high-speed rail network is unambiguous: the 800 miles of bullet trains across the state will run clean, make money, put people to work and get people out of their cars. “California’s high-speed

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Import Gov. Cuomo to California!

John Seiler: Why is it that, whether our governors are Democrat or Republican, they always increase taxes? Republican Govs. Wilson and Schwarzenegger increased taxes. So did Democratic Gov. Gray Davis. And Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown now is pushing $12 billion

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Restored Gann Limit Would Balance Budget

MARCH 25, 2011 By JOHN SEILER The problem with Calfornia’s $25 billion budget deficit is that state spending gushed upward in three wild splurges. I’ll list them here. As I do, recall if your pay was increased each year anything

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Wealthy and Poor California Spongers

MARCH 24, 2011 Sponges come in all shapes and sizes. And some sponges are much more absorbent. Unfortunately for Californians, the freeloading sponges in the state are soaking up more than ever as California sinks deeper into a sinkhole of

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Calif. GOP Deflects At Convention

Katy Grimes: While many described the California Republican Party convention this weekend as being drama filled because of the differences within the party, I found it lacking in any sincere drama – that is, lacking in substance. Too much took

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Jobs First

John Seiler: Anti-tax folks seem to have a hard time pushing their message. Everything gets wrapped up in a “deal,” real or imagined, with Gov. Jerry Brown to put a vote on his $12 billion tax increase before voters in

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