Tag "Arnold Schwarzenegger"

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Miami Mayor Recalled for Tax Hikes

John Seiler: California legislators eager to put a tax increase on a special election ballot in June, as demanded by spendthrift Gov. Jerry Brown, should look to Miami. The people there just recalled Mayor Carlos Alvarez for the “Miami Vice”

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Armageddon? It's Already Here

John Seiler: “Armageddon” was the word columnist George Skelton used for what would happen if Gov. Jerry Brown’s $12 billion tax increase isn’t put on a special June ballot, then approved by voters. The two tax-lovers sat down for lunch.

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Steinberg Pushes 'Card Check' Bill

MAR. 10, 2011 By KATY GRIMES If the third time’s a charm, then Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg can look forward to passing a new “card check” bill. The bill is described as “the alternative electoral method for choosing collective

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I Go on a Road Trip to Sacramento

MARCH 8, 2011 BY JOHN SEILER Last week I started work on CalWatchDog.com as the new managing editor, a promotion from reporter and analyst. I’ll still be doing a lot of reporting and analyzing, as well as new editing and

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MI Cuts Taxes; Why Not CA?

John Seiler: Michigan has been mired in a Depression a lot longer than California. But late last year its unemployment rate, long the worst in the nation, dropped to third-worst. California moved up to second-worst, behind Nevada. Michigan and California

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Energy Prices Are Going Up

MAR. 4, 2011 By KATY GRIMES Renewable energy standards are increasing from 20 percent to 33 percent, “whether you like it or not.” Borrowing  a phrase used by California’s Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, back when he was mayor,  seems the

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Bonds = Delayed Tax Increases

John Seiler: For years now — even decades — I’ve called government bonds “delayed tax increases.” That’s because the bonds, eventually, must be paid off with money from the general fund. And if other government spending is to continue —

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Will Wisconsin Protests Come to California?

Feb. 18, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Today Wisconsin, tomorrow California? The battle between government-employee unions and state budgets was inevitable once the unions were given collective bargaining rights over the past 50 years. The battle boiled over the past few

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Tunisia, Egypt, California, America

John Seiler: First Tunisia. Now Egypt. Next, California. Out-of-touch ruling elites are tumbling everywhere. Tunisia and Egypt have been ruled by elites in power for decades. Egyptian boss Hosni Mubrarak has been working to set up his son, Gamal, as

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Vallejo Is Dying

John Seiler: Newsweek listed the Top 10 cities in America that are dying. No. 1 is New Orleans, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. No. 2 is Vallejo, which has suffered more than any other city from the Schwarzenegger Decade

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