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Tag "Big Brother"

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Orwellian UK arrests CA preacher for free speech violation

July 12, 2013 By John Seiler George Orwell’s nightmare of an “Orwellian” totalitarian regime taking over his native United Kingdom — Airstrip One — has come true. As he wrote in the appendix to “1984”: “Newspeak was the official language

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Big Brother Jerry

John Seiler: It’s bad enough that Republicans, during the eight tyrannical years under Bush, imposed a police state on America. And that Democrats have continued and expanded it under Obama. Now California Democrats, led by Big Brother Jerry, are perpetrating

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ACLU right to fight Orwellian preschool microchip

John Seiler: The ACLU is fighting an Orwellian scheme in Contra Costa to microchip preschoolers, as if they were dogs. You have to wonder what kind of people would enslave kids like that. Think back to your own childhood. Wasn’t

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