Tag "California"

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A Texas-Sized Move for Carl's Jr.?

Katy Grimes: If everything really is bigger in Texas, then the departure of the Carl’s Jr. headquarters from California could be big, big, big news. Today, Republican Assemblyman Dan Logue hosted another of his monthly Economic Recovery Group lunch meetings

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Silicon Valley Flunks 6 'Killer App' Tests

MARCH 14, 2011 BY WAYNE LUSVARDI Last month with Silicon Valley elites, President Obama raised a glass of wine to toast the area’s success. He was repairing his self-damaged image with big business. But a symbolic Sword of Damocles hovered

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Brown Hates Open Meetings?

MARCH 9, 2011 Where Governor Jerry Brown is concerned, anything goes. It’s a mistake to call him a mere liberal — while I have no doubt that he adheres to some vague progressive impulses, he is fully capable of proposing

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Caltrans On Senator's Waste List

Katy Grimes: Finally, a legislator who actually wants to cut wasteful state agency spending is stepping up to the plate with a solid plan and specific idea. El Cajon Republican Sen. Joel Anderson offered one of his own “ideas” in

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'Last Call' For Republicans

MARCH 7 Throughout history, strong political leaders have had the ability to discipline wayward party members. But currently, California Republicans aren’t exactly in a strong enough position to offer up the usual disciplinary threats: removal from cushy or prestigious committee

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Energy Prices Are Going Up

MAR. 4, 2011 By KATY GRIMES Renewable energy standards are increasing from 20 percent to 33 percent, “whether you like it or not.” Borrowing  a phrase used by California’s Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, back when he was mayor,  seems the

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On Wisconsin! On to CA!

John Seiler: The best part about the turmoil in Wisconsin is that the government there is jammed up. AP reports: Wisconsin’s budget stalemate over union bargaining rights shows no sign of resolution – and it could be a long wait.

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Is An All-Cuts Budget Ahead?

FEB. 25, 2011 By KATY GRIMES SACRAMENTO — There is never a dull moment with California Gov. Jerry Brown. In a surprise visit to a budget committee meeting yesterday, Brown threatened to produce a budget that cuts $26.6 billion from

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Even Silicon Valley Ruined

John Seiler: The disastrous policies of federal, state and local governments have not spared even Silicon Valley. Sure, the top digital geeks still trek there. Companies like Facebook still locate there. But Facebook has only about 2,000 employees, many of

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Gov. Brown Halts State Building Sale

Katy Grimes: For one year, I’ve been writing about the smelly deal of the sale of the 11 state-owned properties. In December it was halted until Gov. Brown’s administration could assess the sale and Gov. Schwarzenegger was out of office.

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