Tag "Harry Reid"

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Loretta Sanchez: Don’t touch the filibuster

SAN JOSE, CA- Loretta Sanchez, a candidate for U.S. Senate, says she does not support reforming or eliminating the filibuster, a tactic senators can use to single-handedly block or prolong a legislative action. It is said that the filibuster — a

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Kamala Harris not likely to be Supreme Court nominee

While Kamala Harris has a good shot at becoming the next U.S. senator from California, she has little shot of becoming the next Supreme Court nominee, despite multiple media outlets floating her name as a possibility. Harris, California’s Democratic attorney

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Reid retirement provides lessons for both CA Democrats and GOP

Physically injured and in his 75th year, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has opted against seeking reelection in 2016. Victim of a debilitating self-inflicted injury involving an exercise band, the Congressional titan has not only cleared an unexpected path for

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CA Dems still say Obamacare is wonderful, not an unfolding fiasco

A long list of California politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and John Perez have rushed to declare Obamacare a sweeping success. While Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.,  acknowledges that it could work out so poorly that we should

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Shutdown: Where CA Lawmakers Stand

For the first time in 17 years, the federal government has shut down. As CalWatchdog.com has previously explained, this doesn’t exactly mean that steel bars have dropped in front of all government buildings. Rather, some programs are temporarily shuttered and

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Good and bad news on bullet train(s) front

March 24, 2013 By Chris Reed As I wrote last week, the budget that Senate Democrats have embraced contains so little discretionary funding for California’s bullet-train project that it is impossible to see how the $68 billion project ever gets

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New CA GOP seeks to stop Dem ‘recipe for disaster’

March 5, 2013 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — The 11th Commandment, according to the gospel of former President Ronald Reagan, is an unwritten rule in the Republican Party discouraging public attacks on other Republicans, particularly GOP candidates. “Thou shalt not speak

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Harry Reid: Your taxes are going up even more

Feb. 3, 2013 By John Seiler I saw Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on “ABC This Week” this morning. He said: “STEPHANOPOULOS: So your position on lifting the sequester, on avoiding a government shutdown, and on extending the debt limit

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