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Tag "immigration"

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Old is new as California sees more European immigrants

  The face of immigration in California has become more complex than the political debate would suggest, with Roma, or gypsies, coming to the state in small but significantly increased numbers. The trend hearkens back to the old days of the controversy

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CA opens Affordable Care Act door to unlawful immigrants

  State Democrats forged ahead with legislation designed to fill out Covered California’s enrollment ranks with unlawful and undocumented immigrants.  Following the state Senate, the Assembly has “passed a measure that would remove a critical barrier to Covered California and allow

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Persistent CA education gaps fuels conflict

Caught amid shifting standards, court challenges and retrenching combatants on both sides of social and political divides, California’s education system has found itself burdened by persistent gaps in student and teacher performance — a state of affairs fueling the very

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Trump surges in key CA primary

Fulfilling analysts’ growing expectations and leaving some Golden Staters in disbelief, California has emerged as perhaps the most decisive contest in the contest for the Republican nomination. The June 7 primary looms at a moment when Donald Trump, battered and flustered

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ICE raids face CA resistance

Amid a fresh wave of immigration enforcement crackdowns, several powerful organizations in California have flexed their muscle to protect or benefit those present in the state illegally. The city of Los Angeles has become a focal point for several different efforts,

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Once-undocumented claim half of new CD drivers licenses

Roiled by immigration fears on both sides, California supplied drivers licenses to big numbers of the otherwise undocumented, further sharpening the statewide debate. “California issued more than a half-million driver’s licenses under a new law granting the identifying documents to

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Two bills transform CA parole system

California officials are preparing to implement the state’s latest steps toward a transformed parole system for incarcerated youths. The changes were spearheaded by state Sen. Loni Hancock, D-Oakland, who led two bills through closely fought battles in Sacramento. Senate Bill 261

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China beats Mexico on CA immigration

While Mexico continued to drive the debate about immigration policy in the U.S., California experienced a significant demographic shift that could carry a political impact: more immigrants now flow into the Golden State from China than from south of the border. “About

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San Bernardino attacks shape presidential race

Presidential candidates in both parties have found challenges and opportunities in responding politically to the recent terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, California. In the wake of Tashfeen Malik’s attack, carried out with her husband Syed Rizwan Farook, controversy and criticism has

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CA Congressional delegation divided on refugees as crisis spikes

Key Democrats in California’s Congressional delegation broke with President Obama on refugee policy, handing Congressional Republicans a veto-proof majority vote against him. “An Obama administration push urging lawmakers to oppose legislation that would effectively halt a program for refugees from Syria and Iraq failed

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