Tag "immigration"
Back to homepageWinning over Latinos: Focus on benefits, not features
March 2, 2013 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — Ask any women what she wants in a purse design, and she’ll tell you it needs to be able to organize her entire life. The bag must be able to carry everything,
Read MoreVideo: Victor Hanson on California’s white minority and why it doesn’t matter
Feb. 5, 2013 By Brian Calle This is another segment in my recent interview with scholar and prolific author Victor Davis Hanson. He talks about legislation, pensions, schools, whites as a minority and immigration.
Read MoreGov. Brown turns attention to immigration
Jan. 18, 2013 By Joseph Perkins California is home to nearly one-quarter of the nation’s 11 million or so illegal immigrants. So it is understandable, laudable even, that Gov. Jerry Brown intends to be a player in upcoming discussions back
Read MoreImmigrant Release Could Ease CA Jail Overcrowding
Jan. 11, 2013 By Dave Roberts California generally remains more open to immigration than other states. But it still faces a problem of what to do with immigrants who are suspects in serious crimes. This has been made more complicated
Read MoreVideo: Victor Davis Hanson on why Latino leaders won’t stop illegal immigration
Dec. 11, 2012 By Brian Calle After a speech in Newport Beach, noted author Victor Davis Hanson talked to me about immigration policy.
Read MoreCalifornia’s congressional wish list
Nov. 20, 2012 By Joseph Perkins California Reps. Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, and Ken Calvert, R-Corona, ought to meet up for coffee while they’re back in the Nation’s Capital for Congress’ post-election lame duck session. The chairs of state’s Democratic
Read MoreDebate ignored issue crucial to California: immigration
Oct. 4, 2012 By John Seiler I agree with my colleague Katy Grimes’ assessment that Mitt Romney easily won last night’s debate. He easily command over President Valium. But the debate ignored an issue critical to California: immigration. Romney won
Read MoreVideo: Interview with Judge Jim Gray, Libertarian VP candidate, Part 2
Sept. 29, 2012 By Brian Calle I recently talked to Judge Jim Gray, Libertarian vice presidential candidate, about the legalization of drugs, border security and immigration. Gray is a retired Superior Court judge from Orange County. The first part of my
Read MoreBlatant lying by Obama on who is responsible for surge in deportations
By Chris Reed Sept. 21 On Thursday, the Miami Herald reported on the fury in some communities over the surge in deportations under the Obama administration. Among the most important points in the report, titled Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2011, ICE
Read MorePresident Obama’s green immigration strategy
June 18, 2012 By Chriss Street President Barack Obama’s Executive Order to suspend the deportations of 800,000 illegal aliens for two years will act as a magnet to motivate millions of people from around the world to come to the
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