Tag "Jerry Brown"
Back to homepageBonds = Delayed Tax Increases
John Seiler: For years now — even decades — I’ve called government bonds “delayed tax increases.” That’s because the bonds, eventually, must be paid off with money from the general fund. And if other government spending is to continue —
Read MoreBrown Late, Budget in Turmoil
MAR. 1, 2011 By KATY GRIMES Gov. Jerry Brown was late delivering key realignment revisions to California legislators, who seemed befuddled at budget hearings Monday. The report, on a proposed constitutional amendment on realignment, was made available Feb. 28 to
Read MoreGo John and Ken!
John Seiler: Especially when there’s a hot California politics topic in the air, I try to listen to KFI AM 640’s broadcast of John and Ken weekday afternoons. If you’re not in the Los Angeles area, you can listen to
Read MorePoisonous Budget Spider Uncovered
FEB. 28, 2011 BY WAYNE LUSVARDI There is a line in Sir Walter Scott’s novel Ivanhoe where a gentleman is… advised to remember that all the wealth he had acquired by sucking the blood of miserable victims had but swelled
Read MoreJerry's Real Plan: $25 billion in Cuts?
John Seiler: Looking over Katy Grimes’ budget piece today on Jerry Brown’s testimony before the Legislature, “Is An All-Cuts Budget Ahead,” I was wondering: Does he want his tax increases to fail? Has he all along planned to have an
Read MoreBulldoze Williamson Act Subsidies?
Feb. 24, 2011 By DAVE ROBERTS There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth over Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed budget cuts, but the outcry over elimination of state subsidies for millionaire landowners may be overkill. Brown has zeroed out funding
Read MoreDecent Bill to Ban Redevelopment
John Seiler: After Gov. Jerry Brown in January proposed ending redevelopment to save $1.7 billion currently wasted, cities took action: They worked to lock up the money for themselves. Now, Brown is advancing a bill that would allow the state
Read MoreCA Budget Still Needs Fumigation
Feb. 22, 2011 By JOHN SEILER As Gov. Jerry Brown and the state Legislature continue crafting a budget, skunks keep being thrown into the room. The biggest skunk is that the $146 billion California State Teachers’ Retirement System, CalSTRS, is effectively
Read MoreWill Wisconsin Protests Come to California?
Feb. 18, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Today Wisconsin, tomorrow California? The battle between government-employee unions and state budgets was inevitable once the unions were given collective bargaining rights over the past 50 years. The battle boiled over the past few
Read MoreAnother Rose Bird?
John Seiler: Here’s my criterion for justices to the California Supreme Court: That they be good justices. That’s it. I don’t care about their race, their creed, their color, their sex. They could be Martians. Just: Interpret the California Constitution
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