Tag "Jerry Brown"
Back to homepageGov. Brown Halts State Building Sale
Katy Grimes: For one year, I’ve been writing about the smelly deal of the sale of the 11 state-owned properties. In December it was halted until Gov. Brown’s administration could assess the sale and Gov. Schwarzenegger was out of office.
Read MoreSo What's Not to Like?
John Seiler: If Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed $12 billion tax increase isn’t put before voters, and approved by them, columnist George Skelton warns the state will be afflicted with: shorter school years, even higher tuition, elimination of state welfare, crippling
Read MoreLockyer Supports Redevelopment End
FEB. 3, 2011 By KATY GRIMES State Treasurer Bill Lockyer just this week joined the chorus of calls to deny funding for local redevelopment as one way to reduce the state’s $25 billion budget shortfall. Gov. Jerry Brown’s January budget proposal
Read MoreMore Democracy At Election Time
FEB. 2, 2011 by JOHN SEILER “All the ills of democracy can be cured by more democracy,” said Al Smith, the New York governor and presidential candidate in 1928 (pictured at right). He was the last small-government Democratic presidential candidate
Read MoreBrown's Address: Egypt on the Pacific?
JAN. 31, 2O11 By JOHN SEILER In his State-of-the-State address today, Gov. Jerry Brown compared Republican legislators’ refusal (so far) to put taxes on a special election ballot in June to the longstanding thwarting of democracy in Egypt. Apparently he
Read MoreCal Tax Increase Election w/o GOP?
John Seiler: EDITOR’S NOTE: In response to some of our readers, we want to remind you that this is a tongue-in-cheek thought experiment with virtually no chance of taking place. Send us your creative ideas for dealing with the impasse.
Read MoreTunisia, Egypt, California, America
John Seiler: First Tunisia. Now Egypt. Next, California. Out-of-touch ruling elites are tumbling everywhere. Tunisia and Egypt have been ruled by elites in power for decades. Egyptian boss Hosni Mubrarak has been working to set up his son, Gamal, as
Read MoreCA Obamacare Lead Will Hurt
JAN. 27, 2011 By JOHN SEILER The U.S. House of Representatives, now controlled by Republicans, voted to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, commonly called Obamacare. The U.S Senate, still controlled by Democrats, will not follow
Read MoreChina and California
John Seiler: Most Californians have become insular. Our state’s problems have made them fail to look beyond our borders. Maybe Chinese President Hu’s visit with President Obama will wake people up. During Gov. Jerry Brown’s first term in office, beginning
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