Tag "Jerry Brown"
Back to homepageCalbuzz, Fleischman and Cleveland
John Seiler: Calbuzz has been maintaining a line that “democracy” demands that a tax-increase election must be held in June, as called for by Gov. Brown. The latest: “Calbuzz Democracy vs. Flashpoint Feudalism.” Actually, it’s the current system — high
Read MoreHigher Gas Prices
John Seiler: Ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s budget proposals bore as much relation to reality as one of the scripts for his science-fiction movies. Even as the economy was tanking, his budget proposals, like his muscles, were pumped up with steroids. The
Read MoreTough Talk Can't Hide Tax/Spend Budget
JAN. 11, 2011 By JOHN SEILER In his Jan. 3 Inaugural Address, Gov. Jerry Brown promised us a respite from the “smoke and mirrors” budgets of recent years, especially those of ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. So the budget he unveiled Monday,
Read MoreBrown's Status-Quo Choices
JAN. 10, 2010 By JOHN SEILER “Personnel is policy” is a saying I heard often when I was a journalist in Washington, D.C. in the 1980s during the Reagan administration. The meaning was that, in large, complex modern organizations such
Read MoreThey're Coming for Prop. 13
John Seiler: You know it would happen. They’re coming for Prop. 13, the 1978 tax-cut measure. Having overspent for decades, the California government of parasites has run up a $28 billion deficit. Jerry Brown’s new budget is expected to include
Read MoreBrown Sets State Up For Tax Vote
JAN. 4, 2011 By JOHN SEILER In his inaugural address Monday, new (and past) Gov. Jerry Brown spoke eloquently of past Californians, including his great-grandparents, who overcame tremendous obstacles to build our state: The people of California have not lost
Read MoreArnold Still Clueless
John Seiler: In office seven years, Gov. Arnold Schwarzendeficit still doesn’t realize why he couldn’t end the “crazy deficit spending” he pledged his honor to end. This is shown by an interview he conducted with the L.A. Times, which is
Read MoreNo New Taxes!
John Seiler: Californians need to be firm: No new taxes! Because the tax wasters are cooking up tax increases right now, reports the Bee: Gov.-elect Jerry Brown will propose a ballot measure to extend temporary tax hikes set to expire next year….
Read MoreCalifornia 2010: The Year in Review
DEC. 30, 2010 By JOHN SEILER For California, 2010 brought exciting developments in many areas. The year catapulted our local computer company, Apple, into the first position among information companies, based on market capitalization (the total value of stocks). It
Read MoreCalifornia Joblessness 2nd Worst
John Seiler: California’s unemployment rate for November stayed the same, at 12.4%, placing it second worst in the nation; tied with Michigan. Only Nevada is worse, at 14.3%. Michigan improved from 12.8% the month earlier. And with a new Republican
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