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Tag "Jerry Brown"

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Meg's "management" style

John Seiler: Meg’s campaign boasts of her management prowess. But compare this. Here’s how Meg ran eBay: She didn’t go out and hire retired GM, Ford or GE managers. Instead, she hired young hotshots hungry to create the Internet future.

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Debates: Meg & Jerry should do 25

John Seiler: Meg Whitman is OK with three debates until the November election, Jerry wants 10. But what we should have is two debates every week. That would be about 25. My idea comes from the JFK-Goldwater debates of 1964.

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Moonbeam is as Moonbeam does

APRIL 5, 2010 Now that Attorney General Jerry Brown has officially announced his candidacy for governor, we’re getting to re-live some California political history as pundits and reporters think back to Brown’s first stint as governor along with some of

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Jerry's back!

Here’s the text of the e-mail the Jerry Brown campaign just sent out to “supporters”: Dear Supporter, Today, I am formally announcing my candidacy for the office of Governor of California, to deal head-on with the challenges facing this state

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Forbes publisher assesses state decline

Feb. 16, 2010 By KATY GRIMES In a poignant and often funny talk, Forbes Magazine Publisher Rich Karlgaard believes this economic recession could have and should have been avoided, and the worsening U.S. economy is a man-made crisis thanks to

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