Tag "John Seiler"

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Unions Shirk Blame for Killing Jobs

John Seiler: Although public-sector unions are the worst at turning California into a toxic jobs climate, private-sector workers aren’t much better. Union workers now are protesting in Ontario because, according to the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, “Officials from the Teamsters

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June 15 'Budget' Clearly Violates Prop. 25

JUNE 17, 2011 By JOHN SEILER California Controller John Chiang says he’s the man who decides whether state legislators have met the Proposition 25 requirement to pass a balanced budget — or get their pay docked. So far, he’s waffling. He

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Chapman CA Forecast Warns Legislature

JUNE 16, 2011 By JOHN SEILER This morning, Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed the budget passed yesterday by the Democratic-run California Legislature. Even as he was doing so, Chapman University was revealing a sobering economic forecast that should make the Legislature

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New Budget Assaults Taxpayers

John Seiler: Welcome to the desert of sanity. On the eve of having their pay suspended for not passing a budget, the Demcoratic-run California Legislature passed a budget. On the positive side, Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax extensions-increases didn’t make the

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Redistricting Dogfight Looms in O.C.

JUNE 15, 2011 By JOHN SEILER The lines on the maps just released by the California Citizens Redistricting Commission could force a fierce dogfight for a new congressional district in Northern Orange County.  Assuming the map’s final contours remain much as

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99% Chance of Budget Today

John Seiler: There’s a 99 percent chance the Legislature will pass a budget today; with the other 1 percent accounting for tomorrow. They’ll use whatever “gimmicks” they need, tax increases or no tax increases. The reason was reported yesterday by

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Time to Split California East/West

John Seiler: As I noted earlier, the redistricting essentially splits California in two: about two-thirds of the populace lives in predominantly Democratic coastal areas from the Bay Area down through Los Angeles County. The rest live in predominantly Republican areas,

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Budget Tax Rhetoric Ignores Jobs

JUNE 13, 2011 By JOHN SEILER The NBA season is over. But a full-court press is on by Gov. Jerry Brown and the tax-increase forces in the Legislature and government-employee unions to increase taxes $9 billion. In his video address

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Jim Rogers: Chainsaw Spending

John Seiler: Famed investor Jim Rogers has been warning for years that federal, state and local governments have been wasting way too much of the taxpayers’ money. The result: massive deficits at all levels of government, especially California, and pleas

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Redistricting Boosts Dem Dominance

June 11, 2011 By JOHN SEILER As I was the first to predict 15 months ago right here on CalWatchDog.com, the 2011 redistricting likely would bring 2/3 Democratic dominance in the California Legislature. The reasons were increased voter registration by

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