Tag "John Seiler"

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Dem 2/3 Dominance in 2012?

John Seiler: Imagine Democrats totally dominate the budget, even on taxes. It’s not happening today. But in two years? Fourteen months ago here on CalWatchDog.com I was the first to predict that, after the 2010 U.S. Census and 2011 redistricting, Democrats

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Stay Tuned for May Revise Analysis

Update: My analysis now is online. John Seiler: Shortly after Gov. Jerry Brown today releases his May Revise of his budget proposal for fiscal year 2011-12, which begins July 1, we’ll have analyses up on CalWatchDog.com. From press reports, it

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$594,976 Vac Pay for Gov. Worker

John Seiler: Incredible. Even after all that has been revealed about the immense government-worker pay, perks and pensions that have bankrupted California state and local governments, more shocking revelations keep coming up. This is from today’s L.A. Times: Reporting from

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Protests Pour Gas on Budget Fires

John Seiler: Today firemen and teachers in Los Angeles staged protests against proposed budget cuts. The L.A. Times reports: Dozens of firefighters in matching white T-shirts packed City Hall on Friday to protest a budget proposal that would cut 18 fire

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Escape from NY — and CA

John Seiler: Everyone’s waiting for Gov. Jerry Brown’s May Revise to his budget to be released on Monday. No doubt it will include tax increases. But consider this new report from another high-tax state, New York: ALBANY – Escape from

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GOP Advances Sensible Budget

John Seiler: Yes, it can be done. California’s bloated, out-of-control, jobs-killing state budget can be balanced without increasing taxes. The budget proposal Republican legislators just put forward sure isn’t perfect. And maybe its assumptions — such as continued increases in

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Look for 5 Things in May Revise

MAY 13, 20211 By JOHN SEILER Next Monday, Gov. Jerry Brown will release his “May Revise” to his January budget proposal for fiscal year 2011-12, which begins on July 1. Looking beyond the hoopla and spin, here are the top

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Lindsay Lohan Given Absurd Sentence

MAY 12, 2011 By JOHN SEILER One thing I’d like to know is how many millions of our tax dollars the government spent to convict beautiful actress Lindsay Lohan of petty theft. You know they spent that much because the

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Paywatch: $200,000 Lifeguard Salary

John Seiler: In better days, lifeguards were young guys and gals who pulled hapless folks out of the drink. It usually was a temporary, summer job. Now they’re beneficiaries of California’s massive pay, perks and benefits to government workers. Writes

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Arnold Was Detached As Gov.

John Seiler: As I’ve said before, the problems between ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his estranged wife, Maria Shriver, are their business. But news articles on their split have brought up some interesting tidbits about why he was such an abysmal

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