Tag "John Seiler"

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Restored Gann Limit Would Balance Budget

MARCH 25, 2011 By JOHN SEILER The problem with Calfornia’s $25 billion budget deficit is that state spending gushed upward in three wild splurges. I’ll list them here. As I do, recall if your pay was increased each year anything

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Republicans Finally Get Some Sense

John Seiler: Republicans finally are wising up to a strategy I suggested to them long ago: Use the initiative process much more often to protect taxpayers and businesses and jobs. The GOP’s minority status means they have almost no influence

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Suicidal California Amazon Tax

March 24, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Sometimes I wonder if the politicians, special interests and most media in California have a suicide pact among themselves — with 37 million Californians forced to go along. It’s an updated version of the

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You Read It Here First

John Seiler: A little over a year ago on CalWatchDog.com, I wrote an analysis headlined, “Census pushing Dems to 2/3 majority.” Although a lot has happened since then, it’s still worth reading. I pointed out that, after the 2010 U.S.

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Steve Lopez Misleads on Tax Hike

John Seiler: Today L.A. Times columnist Steve Lopez makes it seem as if, as his headline puts it, “Saving the state would cost $260” each per year. Never mind that saving $100,000 pensions from cuts isn’t exactly “saving the state.”

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Tax Increase Vote in November?

John Seiler: The latest plot twist in the soap opera “As the Tax Increase Turns” could be putting Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax increase on a November ballot, instead of in June. Doing so would mean collecting signatures at a cost

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Seiler Plan to Balance the Budget

John Seiler: Why didn’t somebody think of this before? Balancing the state budget is easy. I call it the Seiler Plan to Balance the Budget. The  budget deficit is $25 billion. Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed $13 billion in budget

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Jerry: Tax Vote w/o GOP OK

John Seiler: “Ya gotta do what ya gotta do,” Bill Clinton once said about some political maneuvering he was undertaking. Clinton and Gov. Jerry Brown have had their altercations over the years, although they made nicey, nicey last year during

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Ark. Dems Cut Taxes: Why Not Ours?

John Seiler: Yes, it can be done. Arkansas’ Democratic Gov. Mike Beebe actually is cutting taxes. He was re-elected last year after cutting taxes in his first term. And both houses of the Arkansas legislature also are controlled by Democrats.

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Activists Gear Up to Stop Tax Increase

MARCH 21, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Opponents of Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed $12 billion tax increase already are spoiling for a fight. They’re not waiting to find out the fate of the governor’s proposal to put the matter before voters

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