Tag "John Seiler"

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Statewide propositions end predictably

The statewide propositions ended predictably, with the side spending the most money on TV ads winning. The preliminary numbers: Prop. 1, water bonds. Winning 68-32. The $7.5 billion in water bonds will cost $15 billion to pay off. For that, only

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Union-backed Torlakson beating reformer Tuck

It looks like the state’s ultra-powerful teachers unions won another one. Early returns show incumbent State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson defeating reformer Marshall Tuck, 55-45. The unions’ strategy of spending tens of millions of dollars — all of

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Live-blogging the election

At the CalWatchdog.com blog, we’ll be live-blogging the election this evening. So tune in. The main races to watch are: Superintendent of public instruction, between union ally Tom Torlakson and reformer Marshall Tuck. Several California races for U.S. Congress, which

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BK judge slams taxpayers on Stockton pensions

In boon to public pensioners and a shock to taxpayers throughout California, federal Judge Christopher M. Klein approved a bankruptcy plan to put Stockton city retirees at the top of the heap. That means taxpayers are at the bottom. Also stiffed

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Economic boom fake

The U.S. economy in the third quarter supposedly enjoyed strong economic growth of 3.5 percent. But look between the lines and the growth was fake. Reported the L.A. Times: Government spending surged 4.6% in the third quarter, the fastest annual

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Izumi study sparks law promoting online learning

Maybe things actually are starting to change for the better in California’s embattled public schools. The latest: Kids who enroll in virtual or online charter schools now can continue their studies even if they move out of their original school

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Field Poll: Dems win in CA, schools chief close

It isn’t over till it’s over, Yogi Berra famously said. But in California’s partisan statewide races, it might be just about over for Republican challengers to Democrats. But the nonpartisan race for superintendent of public instruction remains too close to

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CA is NOT the highest taxed state

You’ve probably heard California has the nation’s highest taxes. Wrong. We’re only third-worst, behind even worse New York and New Jersey, according to a new survey by the Tax Foundation’s new 2015 State Business Tax Climate Index. Broken down, California ranks

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AFT paper backs Torlakson

One of the most influential campaign documents for the Nov. 4 election is seen by few people: “Perspective,” by the community College Council of the California Federation of Teachers; which is part of the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. Physical

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Experts warn of new easy-money hazard

COSTA MESA — Federal regulators are repeating the same easy-money mistakes that led to the Great Recession. So warned five housing and banking experts today at a Breakfast Panel discussion before local business and community leaders at the Westin South

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