Tag "John Seiler"

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CalPERS’ $100K club increases 900%

Let the good times roll! for those getting pensions from the California Public Employees Retirement System, anyway. The Register reported: Back in 2005, some 1,841 retirees pulled down more than $100,000 a year in pension checks from the California Public

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Federal official calls for regulating CA medical marijuana

For once, the Feds have a point. Outgoing Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole has helped alter President Obama’s prohibitionist attitude on state marijuana laws toward one accommodating the differences among the 50 states. In an interview with the Los Angeles

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CA unemployment drops to 7.3%

Perhaps Gov. Jerry Brown’s campaign slogan is right: “California is back.” Unemployment dropped to 7.3 percent in September, down from 8.8 percent a year ago. Except the national rate is 5.9 percent. So California clearly is just following the national recovery,

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PRI-Forum for Corporate Directors discussion Oct. 23

The Pacific Research Institute, CalWatchdog.com’s parent think tank, is partnering with the Forum for Corporate Directors in a breakfast panel discussion Thursday, Oct. 23 from 7-9 a.m. Location: The Westin South Coast Plaza, 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa, CA 92626.

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Big-bucks party inaugurates de Leon

Government in America increasingly resembles the 1978 comedy, “Animal House.” In this instance, it’s the scene where the Delta frat rats are thrown out of the school and respond with — Road trip! California’s poverty rate is the highest of

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CA Supreme Court ‘all aboard’ for high-speed rail

All aboooooard! In what probably is the last train stop of opposition to California’s high-speed rail project, today the California Supreme Court refused to hear a case that could have stopped it. The case, by Kings County and two local landowners

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LAUSD does not compute

What’s it with governments and computers? The latest cyber-snafu strikes the LAUSD, reported the Times: “the Los Angeles Unified School District’s student information system, which has cost more than $130 million, has become a technological disaster. The system made its

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New Laffer book details Reagan prosperity recipe

If you have a great recipe, keep using it. Don’t be chicken. Just ask Col. Sanders. Why then don’t Republican candidates just follow Ronald Reagan’s successful economic recipe from the 1980s? Cut taxes; in his case, from the top income

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Longevity increases pension problems

To the consternation of government pension planners, Americans just keep living longer. AP reported: NEW YORK (AP) — Americans are living longer than ever before, according to a new government report filled mostly with good news. U.S. life expectancy inched

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Will the NFL return to L.A.?

Are you ready for some football in Southern California? Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti Thursday said NFL football is “highly likely” to return to Los Angeles 20 years after the Raiders scampered back to Oakland and the Rams defected from Anaheim

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