Tag "John Seiler"

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Tax subsidies hurting CA

You might think individual tax subsidies, such as the film credit for Hollywood that just was tripled to $330 million, would help California. After all, they cut the taxes of some companies. Certainly, they help those individual companies. But unless spending

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ND oil could cut CA gas prices

Finally, California could get relief from gas prices higher than the rest of the country. Although prices across America have fallen in recent months, our prices still are about 70 cents higher. For example, according to GasBuddy.com, the average price of a

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Gov. Brown’s $23.6 million

As Major Kong in “Dr. Strangelove” is about to begin “nuclear combat toe-to-toe with the Russkies” and start Armageddon, he opens a survival kit aboard his B-52 and says, “Shoot, a fella’ could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with

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Want to extend Prop. 30 tax increases?

You probably saw this one coming. Just two years ago Gov. Jerry Brown and his union allies hoodwinked voters into passing Proposition 30, $7 billion in tax increases. Most of the taxes hit “millionaires,” which in California New Math means

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SD 35 gets to vote twice

Voters in Senate District 35 will get to vote twice — first in the Nov. 4 general election, then again on Dec. in a special election to fill the seat of former state Sen. Rod Wright, who resigned his seat

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Gov. Brown bans plastic bags

Because Gov. Jerry Brown just signed SB270, in July 2016 plastic bags will be banned in stores in California. Paper bags will cost 10 cents. We’ve had a similar ban in Huntington Beach for a year and I look at

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Gov. Brown signs gun-control bills

California’s reputation as a state with a shockingly large number of regulations has been embellished by the 930 new bills it passed this year. Gov. Jerry Brown must suffer carpal tunnel syndrome from signing so many of the bills the

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Newsom reluctant to debate Nehring

Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is crusing to re-election victory on Gov. Jerry Brown’s coattails and the general strength of the California Democratic Party. Yet he is reluctant to debate his Republican opponent, former GOP state Chairman Ron Nehring. The Bee

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Crumbling infrastructure hurting economy

How can you tell there’s a pothole up ahead on the road? Look for the sign, “Welcome to California!” A new study by the National Association of Manufacturers found the country’s crumbling roads are hurting productivity by delaying supplies to

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Gov. Brown backs Cap and Trade at U.N.

In his speech to the United Nations’ “climate change” shindig this week, Gov. Jerry Brown boasted of California’s record on Cap and Trade for carbon credits. He said: California has adopted a cap-and-trade system under the former governor, Governor Schwarzenegger.

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