Tag "John Seiler"

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CA taxes have DROPPED $6 billion

Let me elaborate on something I mentioned in a blog yesterday: California taxes have dropped $6 billion in the last two years. That’s because Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s record, $13 billion tax increase of 2009 expired and was replaced in 2012 by

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Tax increases boost jobs?

Do tax increases boost jobs? Or kill jobs? Here’s the take of David Cay Johnston in the Bee: Dire predictions about jobs being destroyed spread across California in 2012 as voters debated whether to enact the sales and, for those near

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Apollo 11 after 45 years

I still remember in wonderment watching the Apollo 11 moon landing on TV 45 years ago this week. Here’s what we saw, as Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the lunar surface: A great deal of the Apollo 11 program was

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Pension bigger than salary?

Most people understand that your pension will be less than your salary. You don’t have to commute any more, so your car expenses are down. You can downsize your house because your kids moved out — or at least that

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Six Californias?

Today entrepreneur Tim Draper is submitting signatures to put his Six Californias idea onto the 2016 ballot. That will give him two more years to sell his idea that the state — which by then will be crammed with 40 million

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Dems back Prop. 45 medical insurance price controls

The Democratic Party just backed Proposition 45, which would give the state insurance commissioner vast new powers to regulate medical insurance rates. According to the Bee, the initiative pits “trial lawyers and consumer groups against doctors and hospital groups.” According to

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Berkeley: Poor have right to free pot

This sounds like a Cheech and Chong routine. The People’s Republic of Berkeley has mandated that medical-marijuana dispensaries must give free pot to poor people. As marijuana is legalized in more places, that likely will spread across the country. In

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Profiting from stem-cell public-private partnership

While governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger loved to tout “public-private partnerships”; another phrase for which is “crony capitalism.” One such partnership he backed was Proposition 71 back in 2004, which allocated $3 billion to fund stem-cell research. Except that, with interest, the

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LeBron James skips CA — again

LeBron James just signed a contract to go back to Cleveland from Miami. Travis Waldron at ThinkProgress gloats this disproves theories that sports superstars avoid states with income taxes, such as Ohio, for those without, such as Florida — as James

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Uber nabs Apple exec

On July 4 on our site, James Poulos wrote about Uber and other ride-sharing companies’ battles with some existing taxi companies over insurance. Steven Greenhut also wrote about it in the U-T San Diego. However that turns out, Uber almost certainly is

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