Tag "John Seiler"

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Tax Day lamentations

Today is government workers’ favorite day, the ultimate pilfering of taxpayers to pay for all the lavish public-employee pay, perks and pensions. It’s the Day of Reckoning for the rest of us. Pay up or go to prison. Give our

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Subsidize opera?

I think everything should be privatized. But as the April 15 Day of Tax Doom approaches, if I’m going to be taxed to death, it might as well be for something useful, such as opera. The San Diego Opera is

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What IS going on in CA schools?

California’s government school students score among the lowest on national tests. Now this: Uproar over classroom scuffle reflects a profession under siege Groundswell of support for teacher who wrestled disruptive student to the floor shows the public is fed up

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Puerto Rico experiments with tax cuts

California is experimenting with high taxes. Seventeen months after voters passed Proposition 30, which raised taxes $7 billion a year, California’s unemployment rate remains high at 8 percent, fourth worst in the country. While the government got the taxes to

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Californians: Government is a ripoff

I’ve been wondering when most people would figure out that government is nothing but a ripoff, with the swag going to billionaire crony capitalists and highly paid public “servants.” As the dreaded April 15 approaches, when government gets serious about

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IRS targeted ONLY conservatives, NO progressives

We’ve had some exchanges on our site over the IRS harassment of conservative groups. Some of our more liberal commentators have insisted that progressive groups, also, were targeted. It turns out that part is not true. Only conservative groups —

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Oposition swarms against splitting CA

Like hornets rising from a disturbed nest, opposition is swarming against venture capitalist Tim Draper’s proposed initiative to split dysfunctional California into six states, a couple of which might turn out functional. The Chronicle reports: “Steven Maviglio, a Democratic consultant,

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Middle class fading away…

The middle class in California and the rest of America keeps fading away under assaults from Republicans and Democrats, Presidents Bush and Obama, Govs. Schwarzenegger and Brown. The latest from AP: “Since 2008, the number of people who call themselves

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The reality of politics

He wasn’t as eloquent as Machiavelli, but President Bill Clinton summed up the essence of politics more pithily: “I take care of my friends and I [expletive deleted] with my enemies.” The rest is just rhetoric to fool the masses.

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EPA used humans as guinea pigs

Government excuses its immense cost and pervasive intrusions into our lives because it supposedly “saves” us from dangers and “helps” us with our lives. This just in from the Daily Caller: The Environmental Protection Agency has been conducting dangerous experiments on

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