Tag "John Seiler"

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CA govt. drives out another business

Warren Meyer finally had it. With the new year, he closed his park business in California. California no longer will be able to harass him, nor to collect taxes from him and his now unemployed ex-employees, many of whom will

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‘Global cooling’ could postpone Super Bowl

California keeps imposing AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. It slams businesses, and jobs, with mandatory reductions in “greenhouse gases.” Meanwhile, here’s what’s really going on, from the Daily Mail: America is set for the coldest month

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Obama administration goes after critic

I knew Dinesh D’Souza back in the 1980s when we both lived in Washington, D.C. Although I haven’t seen him since then, we both have moved to California, in his case to San Diego. An immigrant from India, he’s an

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Happy 30th Birthday, Macintosh

The personal computer revolution took off like an ICBM with the introduction of Apple’s Macintosh 30 years ago today. Two days before, during the Super Bowl, Apple broadcast its “1984” commercial, still the most famous ad ever. At the time,

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Google buses vs. San Fran govt.

You would think San Francisco’s government would applaud Google for the company’s private buses, which whisk employees around the city. The buses reduce congestion and pollution in the City on the Bay, two big goals of the city government. When

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Brown’s State of the State: It’s Morning in California

President Ronald Reagan’s 1984 re-election campaign theme boasted: “It’s Morning in America.” He won 49 states, losing only rival Walter Mondale’s native Minnesota. Gov. Jerry Brown’s State of the State address this morning kicked off a similar theme in what effectively

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Schwarzenegger sticking to global warming schtick

I remember around 20 years ago Arnold Schwarzenegger explained to a talk-show host how to keep making movie hits. If a film bombed, he said, he analyzed what was wrong — the script, the director, etc. — then corrected it

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Jobs crash endangers Brown budget

Uh oh. Just a day after Gov. Jerry Brown's budget spending splurge proposal, the latest U.S. jobs numbers came in. Unemployment in December dropped to 6.7 percent, which is good. But only 74,000 jobs were created, which is really bad.

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Brown still on loony, increasingly lonely bullet-train bandwagon

Cal Watchdog managing editor John Seiler and I were among the pundits who got a telephone budget briefing from Gov. Jerry Brown on Thursday afternoon. I was disappointed but unsurprised to hear that the governor is still 1,000 percent on

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Gov. Brown advances apparently balanced budget

Gov. Jerry Brown today advanced a budget proposal that apparently is balanced for fiscal year 2014-15, which begins on July 1. It would spend a record $106.8 billion on the general fund, which is up a hefty 23 percent from

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