Tag "John Seiler"

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Rich sheltering dough in South Dakota

When Proposition 30 was being pitched in the fall of 2012, Gov. Jerry Brown and others pooh-poohed the idea that rich folks would find ways to avoid its $7 billion in new taxes. Because the national and state economies have

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New gun laws firing in 2014

The New Year brings a fusillade of new gun laws Californians must follow. Capital Public Radio reports: Some California gun owners say they’re confused about the new gun laws that will take effect in 2014.  The law causing the most

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Housing market problems

CalWatchDog.com stories repeatedly have warned that the optimism over California being “back,” as Gov. Jerry Brown insists, may be overblown. That doesn’t mean a recession is approaching, only that policymakers ought to be careful. Now this from AP: The number

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California’s international competition

Maybe the publication that is most influential among the global elite is Foreign Affairs, which is published by the Council on Foreign Relations. The new Jan/Feb 2014 number includes a symposium on, “Where to Bet Now: Six Markets to Watch.”

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California’s annoying warmth and sunshine

I have a tendency to work straight through the day from when I get up at 7 am. Fortunately, I have a dog who insists on being taken out so I walk every few hours wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

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California: worst for small business

It’s common knowledge that small businesses create most new jobs. Now this bad news for California: “California has landed on another naughty list, ranking as the state with the least friendly policy environment for small businesses, according to report from

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Judge: Pensions can’t be cut, but pay can

California still is a long way from resolving its pension crisis, in the courts and elsewhere. But here’s an important new development: “SAN JOSE — In a landmark ruling that could help shape city budgets around the state, a judge

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Now Bill Lockyer thinks tax cuts create jobs

When opponents of Proposition 30 said it would kill jobs, Treasurer Bill Lockyer backed it anyway: “I worry a little bit about fairness, although when you look at the income distributions in the last 20 years and see that essentially

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Six Californias?

Dissatisfaction with the current state of California continues to spread. The latest idea: Split the mega-state into six smaller states. It comes from tech investor Tim Draper: “TechCrunch has learned about noted technology investor Tim Draper’s plan to split California into six

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Actually, Jim Jones cult was Bay Area Democrats

John Podesta, President Obama’s new guru, just apologized for saying of Republicans, “They need to focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses

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