Tag "John Seiler"

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How the president is fixing Obamacare

A new report describes the president’s announcment today: “Responding to his administration’s ongoing struggles with the launch of Obamacare, President Barack Obama announced a proposal today that would enable insurance companies to grant one-year extensions to the health plans of

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Book describes CA problems, how to fix them: Part 2

This is Part 2 of a two-part series. Part 1 is here. The book reviewed is “The Beholden State: California’s Lost Promise and How to Recapture It,” a collection of essays edited by Brian C. Anderson, the editor of City

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How to apply for Obamacare

Here’s a link to apply for Obamacare: Click here. Or on this image:

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Book describes CA problems, how to fix them: Part 1

This is Part 1 of a two-part series. Part 2 is here. If you listen to Gov. Jerry Brown and his allies, “California is back” from the deficits and dysfunction of a few years ago. Not so fast. A new

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U.S. unfunded liabilities really more than $200 trillion

In the past I’ve written here about the U.S. federal budget not being $17 trillion in the red, but more than $200 trillion (with a “t”). The calculations come not from some right-wing activist, but from Prof. Laurence Kotlikoff, a

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Bonus babies: $516 million to state workers

How is the state government working for you this year? Is that Covered California/Obamacare rollout going smoothly? Well, then you should be happy at this AP report on bonuses paid to state workers: “The total cost reached $516 million in

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CA suffers highest percentage of poor

This kind of puts a kink in Gov. Jerry Brown’s insistence that “California is back.” According to a new study by the U.S. Census Bureau, when housing is factored in, California has the nation’s highest poverty rate, at 23.8 percent.

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In VA, govt. workers elect govt. governor

The victory of Democrat Terry McAuliffe for governor of Virginia shows the power of the federal government over local elections in the D.C. area. Virginia used to be a conservative state; and still is in most areas outside of Northern

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Police assault horror story

Even for this day and age of police harassment of citizens, this is a horror story, from New Mexico: A review of medical records, police reports and a federal lawsuit show deputies with the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office, police officers

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‘Affordable’ Care Act hikes rates for Californians

President Obama now is denying he said of your current medical insurance, “You can keep it.” But videos show him making that promise at least 23 times. Well, my insurance was canceled by him, even though I was perfectly happy

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