Tag "John Seiler"

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Date of Infamy: America's 100 years in Income Tax Hell

Today marks the 100th anniversary of when President Woodrow Wilson signed into law America's first permanent income tax. It first was sold as a tax only on “the rich” — or, as we say nowadays, on the “1 percent.” That

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So, how will Obamacare work in CA?

Obamacare begins today, in particular its Covered California implementation. The current “government shutdown” likely won't last more than a few days. Then enough Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives will break ranks, join with Democrats, and fund Obamacare and

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Nothing to worry about; govt. not really shutting down

Supposedly the federal government is “shutting down.” Not really. Some parts of the government, such as parks, are shutting down to scare people. But the essential parts of government continue to operate. So, don’t worry. Your lifestyle is safe. As

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Bill Maher mangles CA

I’ve never found Bill Maher funny. His 1990s show, “Politically Incorrect,” was itself 100 percent politically correct. His current show, which I occasionally land on when surfing the channels, is more of the same P.C. His schtick is to imitate

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Who pays for LAUSD’s broken or stolen iPads?

I’ve written a couple of things on the Los Angeles Unified School District’s gift of iPads to its students. In July, I predicted the kids would “jailbreak” the iPads. They did. Remember, these iPads are costing taxpayers $1 billion. That’s

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Jim Rogers: big recession coming

As regular readers of this site know, I’ve long pointed out that recessions hit every 4-6 years. The last one began in Dec. 2007. That’s almost 6 years ago, so we’re due. Here’s a YouTube of famed investor Jim Rogers.

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LAUSD kids ‘jailbreak’ iPads

When the Los Angeles Unified School District announced it was giving iPads to its students back in July, I predicted: “The iPads themselves might allow the kids to break out of the system and find Web sites that teach something

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State, local taxes at record highs

Governments everywhere, especially in California, say they need more money. Budgets have been cut. But here’s the truth: Revenues from state and local individual income taxes, general sales and gross receipt taxes, motor fuel taxes, motor vehicle taxes and taxes

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Incomes down for 5th consecutive year

A new report confirms a theme we've advanced here at CalWatchDog.com: There has been no economic “recovery.” From the Financial Times: “The typical American family now earns less in real terms than in 1989 after household incomes fell for the

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CA computer problem does not compute

You'd think that the world's center of computer technology could get its own government computers right. The state government, and many local governments, remain plagued with glitches that would bankrupt any private-sector firm. The latest: college essay review services cheap

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