Tag "John Seiler"

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CA unemployment jumps to 8.9%

So much for California being “back,” as Gov. Jerry Brown keeps badgering us. State unemployment jumped to 8.9 percent in August, from 8.7 percent in July. That's well above the U.S. rate of 7.3 percent. %%anc%% And the 8.9 percent

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Modesto Junior College bans U.S. Constitution

Although governments regularly ignore the U.S. Constitution, this is ridiculous. Modesto Junior College has banned the distribution of the Constitution on campus! “The Constitution guarantees the right to free speech, but don’t try to pass out copies of it at

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Is the IRS targeting me?

I wrote a little, 10-page book on classical music that I was going to sell on Amazon’s Kindle system for 99 cents. Which means I would get 35 cents a purchase. I never was going to make any money from

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Navy Yard shooting: Feinstein takes predictable anti-gun stance

UPDATE: FBI Washington field office confirms no AR-15 was used. casino gamble online We're still finding out what happened in the shooting in the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C. But some comments are due now, in particular in response to

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Comments section … fixed?

We've been working on the comments section of our new site. We hope we have fixed the problems that many have encountered. Let us know what you think, below. professional writing If you're still having problems, please write me: [email protected]

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Now UN says global warming exaggerated

On our site and elsewhere, global warming/climate change defenders say almost 100 percent of “climate scientists” maintain global warming/climate change is happening at a rapid rate, and will cause great damage. Now the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

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Pro-war Sen. Boxer nabbed defense industry cash

It passes strange that Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Marin County, supports war with Syria. She’s one of the most liberal senators ever. She comes from Marin County, which is even more liberal than San Francisco. She gets most of her support

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DiFi attacks New Media journalists

A year ago California voters gave Sen. Dianne Feinstein another landslide victory even though she refused to debate her opponent, Elizabeth Emken, who for once was a decent GOP candidate. DiFi must believe she’s in the House of Lords. Now

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Colorado ousts 2 gun-control extremists

Since I first visited Colorado in 1964 on my family's trip “Out West” from Michigan, I've loved Colorado. I worked there the last half of 1977 in my first major journalism gig, with the Colorado Springs Gazette-Telegraph as a cub

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How’s Obamacare working in Canada?

Canada has injected its version of Obamacare into its body politic for more than 40 years. How’s it working? The following video is from the CBC, Canada’s government-run media system. The video reports that, in British Columbia, “wait times are

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