Tag "John Seiler"

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Kerry attacks Internet

One of the biggest snobs ever is John Kerry, now the U.S. secretary of state. He wants to rule our lives without us objecting. And he doesn’t like it that the Internet makes it easier for us to find out

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Cailfornia’s Khmer Rouge regime

Kay Lim and Ken Chea — or their families — survived the murderous Khmer Rouge regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia, when a third of the Cambodian people were murdered in the name of the people. In America, the government

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Video: In CA schools, 3 X 4 = 11

Back in the early 1990s, California schools adopted “New New Math” and “Whole Language” to dumb down the kids. Parents revolted. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the state reformed the curriculum and adopted some decent standards. But in

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Government’s tyrannical grip tightens

If it weren’t for the nice cars we drive instead of Trabis, I’d swear we were living in East Germany c. 1985. Here’s the latest outrage from what I call the Stasi SuperSnooper State: Feds Threaten To Arrest Lavabit Founder

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Why Chris Christie won’t be president

As his speech before GOP honchos this week showed, Chris Christie obviously is running for president. The New Jersey governor likely will be re-elected next year, then begin campaigning in earnest for the White House. He attacked potential opponents, meaning

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New fiscal year: CA Revenue down, jobless up

While the nation’s economy is creeping upward, California’s is creeping downward. The latest: Gov. Jerry Brown’s Department of Finance reported: “Sales and use tax receipts were $123 million below the month’s forecast of $1.710 billion. July represents the final payment for second quarter

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Please have patience with our site

We’re still working on our great new site. So please have patience with us. In particular, some comments still are being blocked. If that happens, send them to me: [email protected] We also are working on getting rid of the spam

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Why you need a gun…

Gun controllers insist that we disarm ourselves. That the police will “protect” us. Here’s the real world. In the placid and well off community of Orange Hills in Orange County: “robbers forced their way into a home and tied up

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Maviglio upset about our optometry articles

Our recent articles on an optometrists’ bill upset powerful Democratic consultant Steve Maviglio, currently the spokesman for Assembly Speaker John Perez, D-Los Angeles. Katy Grimes described how Maviglio is the News/Press contact for Bridging the Provider Gap, which favors SB

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More people fleeing America to freedom

How shameful. America, once the refuge of millions fleeing tyranny, now is seeing its best and brights escape here to freedom: “The main trigger for cutting ties with U.S., several lawyers say, is the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or

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