Tag "John Seiler"

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Detroit to renege on pensions? CA next?

June 16, 2013 By John Seiler California’s finances are overflowing today. The Legislature just passed a $96.3 billion budget, although Gov. Jerry Brown still will have its say. It reminds me of the Detroit of my youth in the 1960s,

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Taxes on the rich DROP after Prop. 30 tax increase

June 14, 2013 By John Seiler Call me Nostradamus. I have predicted numerous times on CalWatchDog.com that the Propsition 30 tax increase, combined with President Obama’s national tax increases, would drop tax collections from the rich. That has happened. Board

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SF takes a bead on OC gun show

June 13, 2013 By John Seiler Here’s another reason to split the state apart into at least two pieces — although many more would be better. The OC Register reports: “One of Orange County’s largest gun show operators has been

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Obama misrepresents immigration bill

June 12, 2013 By John Seiler I read President Obama’s speech yesterday on the immigration reform bill. He said some inspiring words about the achievements of immigrants. What he did not do is come clean about what’s in the bill.

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‘Liberal’ 9th Circuit backs government spying

June 10, 2013 By John Seiler The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is supposed to be the most liberal in the country. And liberalism is supposed to defend personal privacy. For example, the 1973 Roe vs. Wade abortion decision

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‘Purge’ movie attacks NRA, Tea Party

June 9, 2013 By John Seiler The new movie, “The Purge,” sounds like it’s the future of California when all budget money is shifted to pay the pensions of retirees, canceling actual government services. Violent crime already has gone up

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Ron Paul: ‘Fourth Amendment gone’

June 8, 2013 By John Seiler Our Bill of Rights is our check on totalitarianism. Now, because of the government’s complete snooping on our phone records, it’s “totally gone,” according to Ron Paul, the former U.S. representative and presidential candidate.

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Obama imposes United Stasi States

June 7, 2013 By John Seiler Republicans bear much of the blame for turning free America into the United Stasi States. They were the main ones who passed the laws, albeit with Democratic help, shredding our Bill of Rights. But

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CA tops NY as ‘Most Hopeless State’

June 7, 2013 By John Seiler Well, we still enjoy better weather. But our colleague Steven Greenhut makes the case that California is worse even than New York State under Gov. Andrew “Worse Even Than Pops Mario” Cuomo: Whenever a free-market

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Obama has all my phone data!

June 6, 2013 For years I’ve had a Verizon phone. Now it turns out President Obama’s regime grabbed all my phone data without a warrant, and without notifying me. Am I one of those conservatives and libertarians the IRS has

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