Tag "John Seiler"

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Rebellion: Heroic valedictorian stands up to school regime

June 6, 2013 By John Seiler I love it! Americans finally are standing up to the tyrannical governments that rule, and ruin, our lives. The latest: “A South Carolina valedictorian garnered wild applause after he ripped up his pre-approved speech

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Jay Leno: Tax and regulate CA wildfire, send the IRS to Guantanamo

June 5, 2013 By John Seiler I’ve been watching Jay Leno’s monologues the past couple of months and he’s been on fire. After being canned by NBC, he has been invigorated. And he’s been going after government in a fashion generally

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Gov. Jerry Brown’s father complex

June 5, 2013 By John Seiler Calling Dr. Freud. Gov. Jerry Brown’s relationship with his later father, Gov. Pat Brown, is complex. It’s so complex it’s a father complex. Our colleague Steven Greenhut writes about it on Bloomberg, “Who Will

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Google’s first U.S.-built smart phone coming to TX, not CA

June 4, 2013 By John Seiler As I reported yesterday, Apple is building its new GPU unit in Florida, not California. Now this: “Google-owned Motorola is working on a new smartphone that is made up of the things you’d expect:

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What’s really wrong with health care

June 3, 2013 By John Seiler What’s really wrong with health care? A New York Times article showed some of it. Read it and see if you see much, if any, patient involvement in decisions. Here’s are some key sections:

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Apple building new GPU unit in FL not CA

June 3, 2013 By John Seiler Although Apple is expanding its GHQ in Cupertino, it’s also building up an important unit in Florida, the Orlando Design Center. Reports MacRumors.com: “Apple has hired at least a dozen former AMD graphics engineers

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How’s Obamacare working out for CA?

June 2, 2013 By John Seiler How’s Obamacare working out? On her Web site, state Senate Speaker Pro Tem Nora Campos, D-San Jose, wrote: “Much of our focus, early in 2013, will be on health care. The legislature will work

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Special problems for high-speed rail

May 31, 2013 By John Seiler The Mercury-News reported today: “SACRAMENTO — High-speed rail officials acknowledged Thursday that they almost certainly won’t break ground on the $69 billion project as planned in July after hitting some last-minute bumps in the

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Michael Hiltzik ❤ Big Brother IRS

May 30, 2013 By John Seiler I often have criticized Los Angeles Times columnist Michael Hiltzik for almost always favoring more government — more taxes, more spending, more controls. But I have to commend him for his recent column, “Showing

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Illogical liberal view of Sen. Ted Cruz’ Canadian birth

May 29, 2013 By John Seiler Sometimes I wish people would take a course in logic. Here’s a free one. The Chronicle reported in a story by Richard S. Dunham: “It seems like an obscure court case from a dusty old

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