Tag "John Seiler"

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Mamet: Govt. should NOT enslave us

Jan. 27, 2013 By John Seiler I got some pretty good response to my article, “Brown official: You’re our slave.” I was attacking the statement by Gil Duran, Gov. Jerry Brown’s press secretary, “We have to look beyond our personal

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Brown official: You’re our slave

Jan. 26, 2013 By John Seiler If you listen closely, sometimes government officials tell you what they really think of you. Concerning the controversy over whether golfer Phil Mickelson might leave California because of the massive Proposition 30 tax increase,

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DeVore: Numbers show Arnold’s tax increase cost jobs

Jan. 25, 2013 By John Seiler Remember how, in the Proposition 30 campaign, Gov. Jerry Brown insisted the massive tax increases wouldn’t chase rich folks out of California? Former California Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, who recently moved to Texas, has the

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CA soon could have highest U.S. unemployment rate

Jan. 24, 2013 California’s unemployment rate stayed the same in December, at 9.8 percent, the third highest. But what’s curious is that the unemployment rates of No. 1 and No. 2, Nevada and Rhodes Island at 10.2 percent each, are

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Another CA taxpayer bites the dust…

Jan. 24, 2013 By John Seiler Michael Reagan, the Gipper’s son, writes: “Before Jan. 1, an older surgeon I know closed his practice, laid off his four employees, sold his house, and moved to Nevada. “He was still a practicing

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Live-blogging Gov. Brown’s State of the State address

Jan. 24, 2013 By John Seiler I’m live-blogging Gov. Jerry Brown’s State of the State address. Live video link here. 9:06 Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is bloviating about how the budget supposedly is balanced. “The best is yet to come.”

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As I predicted, state revenue up — for now

Jan. 23, 2013 By John Seiler A week ago I wrote on CalWatchDog.com, “Two critical budget dates approaching.” I predicted that rich people’s quarterly tax payments briefly would goose tax collections for 2012 as they cashed in on investments to

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What most politicians really are

Jan. 23, 2013 By John Seiler Most politicians think they’re hot stuff. They have aides toadying to them 24/7. This is as true of a U.S. Senator as of a city council member. But let Col. Kurtz tell a politician

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Will CA gun control also chase away businesses, jobs?

Jan. 22, 2013 By John Seiler Here’s a question: Will more gun control laws in California chase away even more businesses and jobs than our high taxes already do? I think the answer would be, Yes. A lot of people

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Non-representation should mean non-taxes

Jan. 22, 2013 By John Seiler The American Revolution was about “taxation without representation.” The colonists weren’t represented in the British Parliament when their taxes were raised. So they revolted and ended the taxes. Now this: “SACRAMENTO — Many state

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