Tag "John Seiler"

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Free Kinde Durkee!

Nov. 26, 2012 By John Seiler It just was reported that federal officials are going to seek an eight-year sentence against Kinde Durkee for ripping off Democratic campaign funds to the tune of millions of dollars. But why? California Democratic

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How to break up California

Nov. 24, 2012 By John Seiler California obviously is a preposterously large state. Its 38 million population is greater than the population of 209 of the 242 countries listed by Wikipedia. It’s greater than Algeria, Canada, Uganda, Iraq, Peru, Venezuela,

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Things Californians are thankful for this year

Nov. 21, 2012 By John Seiler Here are the things Californians are thankful for this Thanksgiving 2012: Gov. Jerry Brown is thankful California voters are such turkeys they believed his $6 billion tax hike would go to kids, instead of

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It’s official: California now a Third World republic

Nov. 18, 2012 By John Seiler Dan Walters writes: “About a quarter-century ago, I wrote a book about California’s social, economic, demographic and political evolution and quoted a couple of academics as predicting ‘the possible emerging of a two-tier economy.’

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Prop. 30 retroactive tax violates Constitution

Nov. 18, 2012 By John Seiler One little known aspect of Proposition 30 is that it increases income taxes retroactively for 2012. Approved by 54 percent of California on Nov. 6, the initiative grabs $6 billion a year, mainly by

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Arnold embarrasses himself in WSJ interview

Nov. 17, 2012 By John Seiler Arnold Schwarzenegger is the hypocrite who keeps on entertaining. He jet-sets around the globe celebrating AB 32, which he signed into law and will cut greenhouse gas emissions in California 25 percent by 2020.

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Ward Connerly defends equal opportunity

Nov. 16, 2012 By John Seiler One of my oldest sources in California is Ward Connerly, president of the American Civil Rights Institute. He sponsored Proposition 209, the 2006 initiative that banned government discrimination based on race, sex and ethnicity.

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The 2 simple reasons why Republicans lost the presidency

Nov. 14, 2012 By John Seiler An enjoyable part of the entertainment politicians give us is the barrage of explanations of why someone lost an election. We’re still getting that. Tony Quinn blames it on Republicans playing the “race card.”

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GOP doomed no matter what

Nov. 8, 2012 By John Seiler More than by the election, I’m amused by the aftermath comments. Consider this one, an analysis by Patrick May and Matt O’Brien for the Santa Cruz Sentinel: “As California goes, so goes the nation.

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Unions totally dominate California

6:39 am, Nov. 7, 2012 By John Seiler California should change its name to Unionifornia. The public-employee unions won everything yesterday. They beat Proposition 32, which would have curbed their ability to siphon money directly from employees’ paychecks. They won

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