Tag "John Seiler"

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Why Not Skip College?

John Seiler: Katy Grimes reported here at CalWatchDog.com on the protests against cuts in aid to college students. That means higher tuition — “fees” — to attend state colleges and universities. Here’s an idea for how kids can cut the

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L.A. Times Attempting Suicide

Commentary MARCH 5, 2012 By JOHN SEILER Today the Los Angeles Times is charging for visiting its site online. This is a suicide attempt that will severely damage the paper. Its parent company, Tribune Co., long has been in bankruptcy,

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NBC-S.D. Quotes Me on Food Stamps

John Seiler: Here’s the clip of me appearing on NBC-San Diego talking about food stamp abuse. The great host is Christine Haas: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/video/#!/news/local/Suspicion-Surrounds-Food-Stamp-Use/140439093 (Note: I originally had the video imbeded, but that stopped working. Click on the link and it’s

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California Wants to ‘Out’ Judges

John Seiler: California just keeps getting nuttier. Why do we put up with it? Why do we stay here? Judges should have one requirement: They should apply the U.S. Constitution, the California Constitution and all the laws impartially and fairly.

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Auction Off State Parks

John Seiler: The always incompetent California state government now can’t keep the state parks open. And it can’t keep the closed parks free from looting and vandalism: “Reporting from Providence Mountains State Recreation Area, Calif. — California parks officials closed

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How About a Longer School Year?

Commentary FEB. 24, 2012 By JOHN SEILER One reason California schools perform so poorly is that the state’s educrats, instead of improving instruction, commonly look for gimmicks to cover up their own failures. In my 25 years of writing about

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Watch Me On San Diego TV 11 pm

John Seiler: Tonight — Feb. 24 — at 11 pm California time I’ll be on NBC News in San Diego, Channel 7. Their great new anchor, Christine Haas, interview me about food stamp abuse by Californians. But if you don’t

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Flopped 5 Ignites Meathead Cig Tax

John Seiler: Smoke ’em if you got ’em. Flopped5.org is a great new site setting fire to the First 5 California program that taxes cigarettes 50 cents a pack to fund programs that supposedly help kids. First 5 is paid

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Pelosi Backs Govt. Workers Over Us

John Seiler: Federal government workers, incredibly, make on average twice what we tax-slaves make in the private sector. Reported USA Today: “At a time when workers’ pay and benefits have stagnated, federal employees’ average compensation has grown to more than

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Skelton Right on Initiative Reform

John Seiler: I was so shocked this morning when I saw George Skelton’s column that I had to read it twice. I actually agreed with him. He’s calling for reform of the state’s broken initiative process. He bashes Attorney General

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