Tag "John Seiler"

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Feds Own Almost Half of Calif.

John Seiler: According to the Declaration if Independence, America consists of “Free and Independent States”; 13 originally, 50 today. Except that the centralized tyranny in Washington, D.C. owns 45.3 percent of the land in California. That’s better than the 84.5

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Nutty CA Court Attacks Hybrid Cars

John Seiler: I’d rather walk that drive a hybrid car. After bourbon, the internal combustion engine is mankind’s greatest invention. All talk of oil “shortages” and too much “pollution” is just socialist blather used to destroy our freedoms. But some

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CalSTRS Drops Fund Projections

John Seiler: Putting its investment projections slightly more in line with reality, yesterday CalSTRS downgraded its fund forecast. According to its own announcement, “The governing board of the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) today adopted a new set of

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CA: 8 Cities in Top 10 Unemployed

John Seiler: What economic recovery? Of the Top 10 worst cities for unemployment in the United States, eight were in California: El Centro, Calif. 26.8 percent unemployed Yuma, Ariz. 23.1 Merced, Calif. 18.7 Yuba City, Calif. 18.1 Visalia-Porterville, Calif. 16.2

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Sowell Crashes CA Bullet Train

John Seiler: I’ve been reading Thomas Sowell for about 35 years now. He’s one of the few economists who can write in clear prose. Check out his columns and “The Thomas Sowell Reader.” Or spend a month of evenings on

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Jerry Nabs Tax Supporters

John Seiler: One good thing — if you can call it that — about Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed $7 billion tax: It is revealing who is the “Establishment,” both Democrat and Republican, that really runs this state. With the Republican Party

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How To Kill Death-Row Costs

John Seiler: I have a lot of problems with the death penalty. It is just to kill the worst criminals, who have removed themselves from civil society because of their murders and other high crimes. But I don’t trust the

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Couple Abused at LAX for Tweets

John Seiler: Ever wonder if America is a police state? Wonder no more. Reports the Daily Mail: “Two British tourists were barred from entering America after joking on Twitter that they were going to ‘destroy America’ and ‘dig up Marilyn

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Romney Win Makes CA Irrelevant

John Seiler: The California primary’s late date, in June, usually makes it irrelevant. By then, one candidate usually has come to the fore of the Democratic or Republican parties. Yet California commentators still salivate over actually having something worthy to report. Writes

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CARB, Nichols Ignore Global COOLING

John Seiler: In California, everything is upside down. On Friday, the California Air Resources Board clicked its jackboots and ordered one in seven Calfornia cars to be “ultra clean” by 2025. That means “battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell and plug-in

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