Tag "John Seiler"

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Tax Polls Irrelevant Now

John Seiler: Joel Fox makes some good points about the recent PPIC poll on tax increases. Supposedly the poll showed big margins of folks backing tax increases. But Fox pointed out that the recent Republican poll numbers in the primary

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U.S., CA Attack Manufacturing

JAN. 25, 2012 By JOHN SEILER New reports show how both the U.S. and California governments have imposed severe anti-manufacturing regulations impeding economic recovery and growth. President Obama and Gov. Jerry Brown pay lip service to creating good middle-class jobs.

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Apple Cracking Textbook Racket

John Seiler: The biggest ripoff going is textbooks for K-12 and, even worse, college. I know some college kids who spend way more than $1,000 a year for required textbooks for their college classes. Usually the texts are sub-par regurgitations

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CA Boasts 2/3 of U.S. Shale Oil Reserves

JAN. 24, 2012 By WAYNE LUSVARDI Back on Dec. 21, 2011, Gov. Jerry Brown said at a Jewish Menorah-lighting ceremony, “Today’s miracle is not to find more oil, but to utilize the sun.”  Brown was touting solar energy projects. But

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TSA Goons Assault Sen. Rand Paul

John Seiler: The centralized tyranny in the United States has gone too far. It now is assaulting Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. After the TSA’s microwave “scanners” broke down, Paul was ordered — like a concentration camp inmate — to undergo

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Bring Back Real Cars!

John Seiler: In the government’s obsessive project to treat us all like prison inmates, it has destroyed the great cars America once produced. Except for pollution controls — which were done stupidly anyway — all government controls on cars amount

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LA Students Regurgitate Govt. Food

John Seiler: Food fight! I love it when kids rebel against the government schools. Reported CBS Los Angeles: “The revamped school lunches at Los Angeles Unified School District have won awards, commending them for improving the menu at the second

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Internet Shoots Down Censorship

John Seiler: Sometimes you win one. This week, the Good Guys won a Big One. Hollywood’s attempt to censor the Internet went down in flames like a Luftwaffe jet fighter shot down by the American “Red Tails” in the new

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Silicon Valley Should Buy Hollywood

Commentary: JAN. 19, 2012 By JOHN SEILER The Hollywood movie and recording companies are trying to censor the Internet. They’re pushing SOPA and PIPA: the Stop Online Piracy Act in the House and the Protect Intellectual Property Act in the

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Socialized Health Care Back From Grave

JAN. 19, 2012 By DAVE ROBERTS Like a bad horror movie in which the monster dies only to come back from the grave, socialized medicine has once again reared its ugly head in California. Not content to wait for Obamacare

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