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Tag "Mayor Eric Garcetti"

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Electric car sharing program rolls out in L.A.

As many as 7,000 low-income Los Angeles residents could eventually take part in a state-funded electric car sharing program that rolled out last week. State and city officials celebrated the soft launch of the endeavor — which aims to improve

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L.A. caps CA trend with $15 minimum wage vote

By a nearly unanimous vote, the Los Angeles City council voted to raise the city’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020. As the biggest development yet in a nationwide labor effort meant to compensate for failed federal legislation,

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How will businesses react to L.A. minimum wage boost? 

The Los Angeles City Council tentatively voted to increase the city’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020. The business community opposed the move. How business will react is unclear but there was much discussion during the debate over

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L.A. City Council votes to raise minimum wage to $15/hour

In a 14-1 vote, the Los Angeles City Council voted to raise the minimum wage in the city of Los Angeles to $15.00 per hour by 2020. Small businesses were given an additional one-year “phase in” period, requiring a $15.00

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LAPD hustles to post records

A review of the website of the Los Angeles Police Department found it has updated its reports on discipline and use of force after criticism for posting aged data in the aftermath of federal oversight. It also now takes just one click to go

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