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Tag "minimum wage"

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State leaders, labor groups announce deal on $15 minimum wage

Democratic lawmakers and labor groups announced on Monday a deal to gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour. Gov. Jerry Brown and Senate President Pro Tempore Kevin de León of Los Angeles, joined by representatives of the Service Employees

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Minimum wage divides experts

Voters will likely decide on the November ballot whether or not to raise California’s minimum wage to $15 per hour, even though experts are still divided on the issue. There will be plenty of anecdotes in between now and November

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Years after CalWatchdog investigation, bill to end sub-minimum wage advances

More than 2 million workers in California are celebrating the new year’s bump in the minimum wage. Effective January 1, the state’s minimum wage increased from $9 to $10 an hour. But, not all workers in the state benefited from

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CA set for nation’s highest minimum wage

California will start the new year with a record-setting wage floor. “On Jan. 1 California will have the highest minimum wage in the country,” as Capital Public Radio noted. “California workers earning minimum wage will get an extra dollar an hour at

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Plethora of Initiatives Headed Toward 2016 Ballot

  According to the recent Public Policy Institute of California poll, state residents like the initiative process but think too many initiatives appear on the ballot. To borrow a line from Al Jolson: “You ain’t seen nothing yet!” Of the

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SEIU targeting hospitals with ballot measure again

The state branch of the Service Employees International Union is launching another bid to use direct democracy to win leverage in its negotiations with California’s hospitals to improve health care access for poor people and to make union organizing easier.

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CA wrestles with minimum wage domino effect

Forging ahead with plans to take minimum wages to new highs, California’s San Francisco Bay Area has touched off tit-for-tat increases, deepening fears that the region’s high cost of living has become a business-killer. A growing dilemma “Berkeley’s City Council approved

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Gov. Brown opposes CA minimum wage hike

Opening another fissure with members of his own party, Gov. Jerry Brown has come down on the opposite side of a proposed statewide increase in the minimum wage. Changing course In an indication of the mood in the governor’s office, Brown’s

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Assemblyman denounces ‘bullying’ by committee chair

Assemblyman Matthew Harper, R-Huntington Beach, has accused Assemblyman Roger Hernández, D-West Covina, the chairman of the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee, of engaging in “outrageous bullying tactics” when Hernández denied Harper the opportunity to speak last week on a minimum

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NFIB opposes four Sacramento bills

Here’s the analysis of four pieces of legislation in the California State Assembly and Senate by the National Federation of Independent Business California. The NFIB opposes all four bills. These bills were introduced by Democratic legislators. Assembly Bill 464: Transaction and use taxes: maximum combined

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