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Tag "minimum wage"

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Taking on the minimum-wage debate in L.A.

  The national debate over minimum-wage increases will take center stage in Los Angeles because two efforts to raise the minimum wage face staunch opposition from the business community. The Los Angeles Business Federation, known as BizFed, went on the

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Wage laws killing CA jobs

  On the day before Christmas, the U.S. Department of Labor issued its weekly report on new unemployment claims. While 45 states reported declines, California was one of five states to report an increase. California claims rose by 11,794. To

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Minimum wage debate: history and examples

  With rallies in Los Angeles and Bay Area cities seeking a $15 minimum wage for fast food workers and state Sen. Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, introducing a bill to increase the state minimum wage over the recent boost the Legislature approved,

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Bill would mandate double time on holidays

A new bill would mandate double-time pay for some holidays. The Bee reported: Californians working through the holidays could get heftier paychecks under legislation that would mandate double pay for Thanksgiving and Christmas shifts. The legislation is by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez,

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Minimum wage truth and consequences: Who’s listening?

  Let’s hope voters become more engaged than some elected officials in the minimum-wage debate. Voters will be subjected to counterarguments in the minimum-wage debate. Raising the minimum wage undoubtedly will make things better for some minimum-wage workers – more

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The impacts of raising San Francisco’s minimum wage to $15

On Nov. 4 San Francisco voters are being asked to approve Proposition J, a measure which increases the minimum wage in San Francisco to $15 per hour by 2018 from the current city rate of $10.74. San Franciscans should think

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Los Angeles books higher hotel minimum wage

If critics are right, room service in Los Angeles hotels could descend to that of the Bates Motel. Yesterday the City Council passed a $15.37 minimum wage for non-unionized employees of large hotels in Los Angeles. Breitbart News reported city observers generally recognized the

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Minimum wage kills minimum-wage jobs

As I noted six weeks ago, I’ve been noticing higher restaurant prices since California boosted its minimum wage on July 1, to $9 from $8 an hour; with a $10 increase coming in 2016. A new study by the Heritage

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Garcetti shows why minimum wage kills jobs

In backing a higher minimum wage for his city, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti inadvertently explained how it would kill jobs. From the Times: “Garcetti pitched his plan to gradually boost the minimum wage across the city, critics argued that

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Minimum wage boost already killing jobs

California’s minimum wage jumped to $9 an hour from $8 on July 1, and further will rise to $10 in 2016. People who still have minimum-wage jobs are enjoying a raise. But the imposition is slamming others. reported: In a survey of

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